Chapter 63 - I blame you

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We were currently sitting in the 'oh-so-well-known' emergency room. Hank told us that it was just a black out and that she'll be back within one hour. So Jean, Han and I were waiting patiently.

"So.....How was your day"

I stated awkwardly

"Peter, we've known each other for six years now, ask a useful question"

Jean said, laughing a bit

"Do you think it's too soon?"

"Too soon for what Peter?"

"A baby"

"I thought you wanted a baby"

"I-I do, really bad but what if I can't take care of it? What if it's to much for the both of us?"

"Then it's my duty as godmother to take it over. You have nothing to be worried about. You helped Lorna ever since, how old were you again?"

"When she was a baby"

"Exactly, and that worked out good too didn't it?"

"Yes but than I still had my mom if something went wrong. What if something goes wrong?"

She walked up to me and sat down beside me, putting a hand on mine

"Peter, it'll be okay, I promise you. You'll be the best dad ever! And when the baby grows up, you can teach it good music. Or how to annoy everyone"

You laughed

"He sure does know how to annoy people"

I heard Y/N say with a weak voice


I let go of Jean's hand and ran towards Y/N, cupping her cheek with my right hand

"Hey Wifey"

She smiled weakly

"Hi Speedy"

I kissed her forehead

"How much did you hear?"

"Something with your mom"

"So enough I think"

"Peter, if you don't want a baby, we can just stop you know"

"No, I changed my mind. I really want a baby, no second thoughts. We'll be the best parents ever"

She laughed at me


"You're adorable Peter"

"Listen Y/N, I-I'm really sorry about the elevator"

"It wasn't your fault"

"Yes it was, I forced you to go in there"

"Peter look at me"

I looked into her E/C eyes

"You seriously need to stop blaming yourself for everything that happens to me every time I wake up here. Do you understand?"

I smiled

"Yes Twinkie. So you don't blame me?"

"Oh I blame you completely Peter"

My smile disappeared

"I blame you for getting me in there. I don't blame you for passing out. That was me"

"But I got you in there"

"So? I shouldn't have overreacted. It's just an elevator"

"So you're over your fear"

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