Chapter 20 - Recovery

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If you can decode the pic, I can really trust you


It has been one week since the fire. Since the shelf fell on top of me, my leg wasn't only burned, but also broken. I wasn't allowed to move for three days straight. Peter had visited me everyday and he started to look way better than when I woke up. Jean already looks like her old self. She too, visits me every day.

After one week, Hank told me that I could go back to my room, but I have to pay attention to the burns on my arms and on my leg.

"Ready to go twinkie?"

Peter was sitting next to you, waiting for you to sit up

"Yep, I'm ready"

He picked you up bridal style and within one second you were in your room.

He layed you on your bed and gave you a soft kiss on your forhead.

"I hate seeing you like this"

He said, while he pouted and sat down beside you.

You smiled softly at him and reached for his hand. He gladly accepted it and you intertwined fingers.

"I have been worried sick about you, I really have"

"I know Speedy, you tell me every day"

"I-I have a question"

You gave him a questioning look

"What kind of question?"

"When Jean and I cleaned up your room, we found something"

You narrowed your eyes, trying to understand what he means

"What exactly?"

He pulled a small book out of his jacket

"How-Where did you find it?"

"It was laying on your table, under a pile of other books."

It was quiet for a while

"You don't have to tell me, but why didn't you share it with us?"

You sighed


It was quiet again

"Before my mom died, I used to write songs. I would play them on piano or guitar and perform for her, dad and Hank. She always said I had talent and that I should do something with it, but I never did"

"Why not? You are amazingly talented!"

You smiled

"Thank you, but when my mom passed away I didn't want to play anymore. The only reason I kept playing piano, was because my dad taught me."

"Charles can play the piano?"

"Yes he can. He's pretty damn good actually"

Peter noticed your sad look and gave you a comfortable smile. He scooted closer to you and wrapped his arms around your shoulder. You rested your head in the crook of his neck.

"These songs you wrote..."

"What's with them?"

"They're so good. Do you still write them or did you stop after....after what happened to your mom?"

"I stopped writing after the incident. To be honest, I-I didn't know what else to do after I lost her. I didn't see the point of being here anymore. I started cutting myself, but my brother found out. He helped me processing my loss and because of him, I'm still here"

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