Chapter 34 - Christmas

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You woke up and jumped out of bed immediately. You pulled off 'your' Queen shirt and slipped in a XL Christmas sweater
It was red and said:
'Merry Christmas you filthy muggle'

When you were done you put your hair in a quick ponytail. You looked in the mirror and smiled.

'Time to wake up the girls'

You ran towards Charles' room and knocked.

Raven opened the door looking very sleepy


"My dad has brought a confetti popper"

"Oh that, I wondered why he took it"

"It's for me"

"All three?"


She handed you the party poppers and you ran towards your own room again.

Jean and Ororo's beds were next to each other, what made it only easier for you. Then you remembered that they would probably scream and wake everyone up.

'Well, guess the boys are first'

You were able to steal one of the spare keys yesterday so you had free entrance to the boys room. You softly opened it.

You sighed happily, because the beds were close to each other.

'Everyone will be covered'

You stood in front of Peter's bed, since that one was in the middle


You grabbed a confetti canon and popped it. Red, green and silver confetti flew through the room.

Their reaction was hilarious. Scott jumped up, which caused him to fall out of bed. Kurt teleported on top of the closet and started praying and Peter was behind you before you knew it.

"You little-"

He started. He tackled you on his bed and started tickling you. You did your best not to scream, trying not to wake up the girls

"P-Peter!! S-Stahpp"

You said in between laughs

"Let me think"

He said. Then he smirked


And he started tickling you again.

"P-Peter!! If you d-don't stop this w-will not end w-well for you"

You tried to threaten

"Try me"

This time it was your time to smirk. You kicked your leg in the place where the sun doesn't shine. He fell to the ground and you jumped of his bed

"I warned you"

You said while you ran away.

Since Erik and Hank were sleeping on the other side of the hall they wouldn't hear the girls screaming


You walked in slowly and popped the confetti.


You screamed while you danced in the confetti which was still falling down

Jean jumped up and threw a pillow at me and Ororo was screaming so hard, I would've gotten deaf if Jean didn't throw that pillow

I ran out again and knocked on Erik and Hank's door. I hoped Hank would open so I could pop it in his face but I didn't really care if it was Erik. I heard someone walking towards the door and I got ready.

The door opened and I popped the party popper. Hank was in the doorway with a look on his face that could kill you.


You said as you hugged him

"You're lucky I love you"

You broke from the hug and ran through the hallway yelling


—time skip brought to you by your wedding ring (did u like it btw?)—

It was nine pm and you were sitting in Charles and Raven's room unpacking the gifts.

Peter was the last to give you your gift. It was a small envelope. The front said:

'For my Twinkie and future ms. Maximoff'

I smiled and opened the envelope. My mouth dropped at what I saw

"A-are you serious?"

"I sure am"

"Oh my god"

You tackled Peter in a big hug

"What did you get?"

Jean asked

You stood up and held two tickets in the air

"Concert and meet&greet tickets for (your favorite band/artist)!!"


Ororo yelled.

"Thank you so so much Speedy!"

You said as you tackled him in another hug

"I love you so much"

You mumbled in his chest

Part 35 coming soon <3

Yuh, I know this was a short one don't judge plz

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