Chapter 68 - Labor

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This is an seven month time skip because I'm to lazy to write everything down....Just enjoy please


You were nine months pregnant now and everything had become so much harder. You could barely walk normal and sitting down was the worst. You were currently laying in bed, next to Han. Peter was downstairs to prove everyone that no one could beat him in table tennis.


You yelled, knowing she was in her room next to yours


She screamed back


You got no response. Instead, the door got kicked open five seconds later

"I'm here"

She said as she walked towards the bed.

"Can we watch a movie?"

"Of course Y/N, what do you want to see?"

"You choose, I just want some company"

She smiled and sat down beside you. She clicked on a random movie on Netflix and got comfortable

After about an half hour you got hungry (because you get hungry really fast I mean, duhh)

You got up and walked towards the door

"Where are you going?"

"Kitchen, I'm hungry"

You walked towards the kitchen and saw Peter and Jean playing ping pong. As usual, Peter was winning. When he saw you he dropped his racket (or how you call it) and ran towards you

"Hi Wifey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just hungry"

He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, kissed your hair and walked you to the kitchen.

"Peter, I know how to walk"

"I don't care, sit down"

He pointed to a chair next to the dinner table

You sighed and sat down

"Now what do you want to eat?"

"Chocolate cake"

"You bought three chocolate cakes, which one do you mean?"

"The one with whipped cream and strawberries"

He smiled and grabbed the cake.

"You want it?"

He asked, holding the cake above your head

"Peter give me my cake"

You said with a serious glare on your face



"Not so loud, the baby is listening"

"Fuck off,  give me my cake"


"You're gonna regret this Maximoff"

"Do I Now Maximoff?"

You smiled and pushed his arm up, causing the cake to land in his face. You quickly got up, grabbed what was left of the cake and sat back down.

Peter got up and tried to steal your cake, but you slapped his arm and hissed


"Wow, Okay Sméagol, easy"

You hissed again, picked up some cake with your hands and ate it

"Don't worry, I won't touch it"

He sat down on the chair beside you

"Are you seriously gonna watch me eat this cake?"

You said with your mouth full of cake



You grabbed another piece of cake (hehe) and put it in your mouth, eating it with your mouth open


"What, you said you were gonna keep watching"

"Why did I marry you?"

You swallowed your cake

"Because you loaf me"

"Love me?"

"Nope, loaf me"

You said, pointing towards a loaf of bread on the kitchen counter

"That's definitely the reason I married you"

You smiled and grabbed another piece of cake. Just at that moment Scott walked in



Peter started


You laughed and watched Scott making a silly face at Peter

"Why the good mood Scott?"

"Because, my dear sister, I just proposed to Jean and she said yes"

You dropped the cake



You stood up and slapped Scott


"You should've told me"

You said innocently

"I wanted to keep it a secret.....Are you mad"

Your serious face turned into a smile

"Of course not silly, I'm so happy"

He wrapped you in a hug but you pulled away all the sudden. Your eyes widened

"What's wrong Y/N?"

"I-I think my water just broke"


Peter picked you up bridal style

"Scott, go get Hank, tell him Y/N and I are waiting in the emergency room."

He just nodded and ran of

"Let's get you over there"

Peter mumbled, and within one second you were in the emergency room. He laid you down on the bed carefully and held your hand

"It's gonna be okay, Hank is gonna be here soon"

"Peter, we never thought about a name"

"We will figure that out when the baby is born, first thoughts are always best"

You smiled. You and Peter decided that you wanted to keep the baby's gender a secret for a surprise element. Of course Peter was hoping for a boy, but he told you he would love a girl, just to tell her how shit boys are.

Hank walked in, worry all over his face

"I'll just go"

Peter said

"No Peter, you need to stay here to comfort Y/N"

Part 69 (hehe) coming soon <3

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