Chapter 12 - Hide and Seek

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It has been three months since you and Peter started dating and you didn't even had your first kiss yet. I mean, if he doesn't want to move that fast (hehe) that's okay for you. It just bothers you that Jean and Scott have only been dating for one month and they already had their first kiss. To be honest, you have never kissed someone.

You were writing some music (you now write music, roll with it) in your room, when Scott kicked open your door

"Scott, we have that rule about kno-"

"Y/N!! The professor is going on a trip with the children!"

"All of them?"

"Yep and we have to watch the mansion again"

"You know what this means..."

"Yes I know what it means but you have to hide now. Jean is already counting!!"

"You started without me?!"

"Yes and we're sorry but hide!! You don't want to be the first to be found!"

You ran out your room and looked for a good hiding spot.

Once a year Charles takes the children on a trip for two weeks. You, Jean, Ororo, Kurt, Scott and Raven were allowed to stay home. Peter too now, since you convinced Charles.

Although Raven looks like she doesn't give a fuck about anyone and is kinda boring, she's one of the best person to spend these moments with. She behaves like a total different person. She happy and funny, and she makes sure everyone is okay. That's why you love Raven.

So when everyone left, you played hide and seek through the whole mansion. It could last for three houres! The rules were simple:

-No using your powers
-Switch spots every minute, even when the seeker is near
-You have to make a sound if the seeker tells you to
-The seeker can only make someone say a word every three minutes
-Switch floors every half hour (since there were six floors this was very dangerous because the elevator wasn't allowed during hide and seek)
-Rooms cannot be locked
-You are not allowed to leave the mansion
-You switch rooms every ten minutes
-When you're found, run to the common room and touch the tv before the seeker does

And the one you liked the most:

-The person that gets found first has to do everything the seeker says until the sun is down. And since Charles always leaves mid-summer that's quite a long time.

You ran to the third floor and entered the gym hall. This was the perfect place. There were so many shelfs here and since you were quite small, you could hide behind them easily. You know ten great rooms to hide, so they can't know where you are for 100%

You sat down between two shelfs. If Jean would come into this room, you could crawl through a hole and escape the room before she'll notice. Then the door opened


But instead of Jean, Peter walked in. He closed the door softly and walked towards the shelf on the opposite side of you. It took a while before he noticed you were behind the shelf in front of him. You silently waved at him. He waved back

You heard footsteps in the room next door.

"I'm scared"

You mouthed

"Me too"

He mouthed back

Then the door flew open.

"Kurt, I saw you running up here. You can't hide"

Jean sang

"Come out come out wherever you are"

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