Chapter 52 - Antartica

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Lemme just say. This pic is genius!! Okay bye, enjoy the chapter <3


Mariá fell to the ground and Jacob walked towards you. You didn't hesitate and kicked him in the place where the sun doesn't shine. He also fell to the floor and you stepped on his hand. Causing him to let go of the knife

(This reminds me of: Let me see what you have. A knife. NO!)

You quickly picked up the knife and pointed it at him.

"You killed your father and your mother you heartless creature!!"

"I really need that money Y/N"

"Fuck off"

Then you heard a shot. You felt a wave of pain in your left leg.


You yelled, knowing you were helpless now.

Within one second Peter was in the room

"What happened h-"

Then he saw you laying on the ground. He looked at Jacob immediately to notice a gun in his hand

"You son of a bitch...."

He said. Then they both disappeared to 'god knows where'

Peter was back soon

"Where did you bring him?"

"It doesn't matter Twinkie. All that matters is that you are okay"

You smiled

"He's having the time of his life in Antarctica by the way"

You laughed

Then Peter noticed Mariá

"Oh no, what happened?"

You started to tear up

"He killed her. He killed his own mother"

Peter noticed your tears and kneeled down beside you

"My poor baby"

He said as he held you tightly.

That was when Jean and Scott ran in

"What happened here?"

They asked at the same time

"Jacob happened"

Peter said, as you were still crying

"What did he do?"

"He killed his mother and shot Y/N"

Jean immediately rushed towards you and patted your back

"It's okay, we're here for you now. Where is Jacob now?"

"He has a very important meeting with some penguins"

Peter said

"You threw him in the zoo?"

"What no? He's on Antarctica"

"Oohhh, WHAT?!"

"He hurt my Twinkie and killed his own mom. Clearly he was a danger for everyone"

"At least tell me you gave him a coat"


"Well......he kinda deserved that"

Scott said

Then a loud yap filled the room

You smiled through the tears and opened your arms, to let Han in

You cuddled him while the tears fell down your face

"I hate Jacob"

"Don't worry Twinkie. He probably already froze to death"

"We gotta have your leg fixed Y/N"

Scott said, noticing the shot wound

You just nodded wrapped one arm around Peter's neck. He picked you up bridal style and brought you to the 'oh-so-familiar' emergency room.

Peter laid you down on the bed and sat on the chair next to you

"You really are a handful aren't you Twinkie? This is the third time in one month. And January just started! How do you do this?"

You laughed

"I don't know Peter. I am a trouble maker you know?"

"Yes I know, but I will still love you"

"Aww, I love you too"

Well this was chapter 52. I know, short, sorry.

Anyways thanks for reading!! Part 53 coming soon <3

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