Chapter 58 - Prank war pt. 2

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It has been one hour since you last heard of Ororo. She was probably still busy with cleaning her room. You actually felt kinda bad and decided to help her

"Hey Ororo, do you n-AAAHH!!"

As soon as you entered her room a bucket of water fell on your face, soaking Peter's AC/DC hoodie

"I knew you would feel bad eventually, so I used all the water just to bring it to this bucket to throw it over your face."

She said while she smirked mischievously

"NOT THE HOODIE!!! I will have my revenge"

You said as you walked away. This asked for drastic measures.

—Small time skip brought to you by Star Wars bcs it's awesome—

You were in the kitchen, working on your next prank. Just as you hoped Ororo walked in. A bucket fell on her head, but not with water.....sirup

You fell to the ground laughing


She mumbled some colorful words and walked away. You knew she had to shower not so you knew exactly what to do next. You followed her to her room, without her noticing it. You waited until you heard her shower. You quietly opened the door and walked towards her hair dryer. You filled it with powdered sugar, knowing she would use the hair dryer after her shower

You smirked, proud of your deeds, and walked away

You walked towards your room when you got hit in the face with pie.


You yelled

You ran into your room

"Twinkie what ha-"

"Don't even ask it"

You said as you walked towards the sink to clean your face

"Hey Peter, can you get me the oil from downstairs?"

"Yeah sure why?"

"You'll see"

Peter walked towards you and licked your cheek

"Did you ju-"

"There was a little bit of whipped cream on your cheek. I couldn't resist."

"You're such a dork"

"YOUR dork"

"Yeah yeah, now get me that oil"

"Yes ma'am"

He was gone again and you finished washing your face. When you dried your face Peter came back.

"Here you have your oil, why oil again?"


You said as you gestures him to follow you. You took a handful of oil and smeared it over Ororo's door clinks.

This prank wasn't really bad, but it was always funny to see their reactions. You heard the shower stop and quickly ran out of her room.


Reaction 1

You thought. This was the moment she'll walk towards you but she can't because her door clink is greasy


Reaction 2

You laughed and opened Ororo's door, just to see her standing there with powdered sugar in her hair

"Y-You look a-adorable"

You said inbetween laughs

"I give up okay? Clearly I can't beat you and you don't stop"

"Wait are you serious?"

"Yes, congrats Y/N"

You did a little victory dance.

"Thank you for finally seeing there is no beating me Ororo"

She sighed

"You're welcome"

—Time skip brought to you by my scared ass after a horror movie—

"And that's when Ororo admitted that I was the best and I won the war"

Everyone in the common room started cheering as you walked off the table. Than you remembered something

"Guys wait, I couldn't have done this without my loyal companion, boyfriend and fiancé; Peter"

Everyone started cheering and you walked towards him

"Told you, I'll give you credits"

He bowed down and kissed your cheek

"I love you Twinkie"

"I love you t-"


Ororo screamed



You laughed

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that"


"Wash it with hot water, sorry"

You said while trying to stop the laughter

Ororo walked away and you looked at Peter, bursting out laughing again

"I totally forgot that"

Part 59 coming soon <3

I know this one was short but it was like a part two so....

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