Chapter 37 - Attack

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"Y/N wake up"

You felt something poke your face

"Wake up Twinkie"

The poking stopped

"You're asking for it"

It was quiet for a while. Then you felt something soft being slammed on your face

"Y/N wake up"

You decided to keep your eyes shut, since you were still tired

"I'm very sorry baby"

It was quiet again. Then you felt something ice cold over your face

You shot up and noticed snow laying over your entire bed. In front of you, you saw Peter holding an empty bucket, smiling like an idiot

"Pietro Django Maximoff, you are so dead"

You said as you leaped forward and tackled him on the ground. You were laying on top of him and you saw your opportunity. Before Peter could process what was happening you took a handful of snow and slipped it in his shirt


"It's called karma bitch"

He shoved you aside and stood up

"You better hide Twinkie"

He said with a mischievous smile.

"Oh shit"

You mumbled

You immediately shot up and ran towards Ororo's room, knowing she'll protect you from the snow.

Before you could open the door you heard a loud bang downstairs.

You didn't hesitate and immediately ran to the common room, hoping Hank would be okay

When you arrived you saw a big hole in the wall. You spotted a helicopter in the garden and man in army suits walked out

You jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder

"It's Stryker, he found us"

You heard Raven say

"Get away from here quickly. They will not hesitate to kill you"

"What about you?"

"Y/N, I survived before. Now hurry up, before they notice you"

You hesitated for a while but walked back upstairs. When you ran into your room and got greeted by Peter who had a huge snowball in his hand

"Peter no! Don't. Stryker is downstairs and he is planning on killing us. We have to get out of here"

He walked towards the window and noticed the men.

"Copy that"

He said, while picking you up bridal style.

"Wait, what about the rest?"

But before Peter could answer the door flew open and Jean appeared

"We have to get out of here"

"That was already our plan"

You said while getting out of Peter's grip and hugging Jean

"Let's go"

Peter said as he walked towards you again. But before he laid hands on you, you heard a shot


You fell to the ground, noticing a bullet in your left ankle

You immediately held onto your ankle, trying to stop the bleeding

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