Chapter 28 - Winter

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If you can decode the picture I can officially trust you


It was a beautiful winter day. It was snowing and you there was ice everywhere.

You walked out of your bed and changed into some sweatpants and one of Peter's hoodies. You didn't really care about your hair so you just made a messy bun.

You walked towards the kitchen where you saw everyone waiting for you

"You know, you could've just started"

You said while you walked to the coffee machine

"Charles made us wa-waitttt is that Peter's hoodie?"

Scott asked

"Yup, got a problem with that?"

"Why do girls take their boyfriends clothes? Jean keeps stealing my hoodies too!!"

"Because they're comfortable and warm."

"And don't forget they smell like your boyfriend"

Jean interrupted

"And those are facts."

You said while you grabbed your coffee and sat down next to Ororo and Peter

"Good morning Twinkie"

He said as he kissed your cheek

"Morning Speedy"

"Now let's be quiet and let Kurt pray. I'm starving"

Raven said

—small time skip brought to you by your coffee—

You were reading (your favorite book) in the common room. The fireplace was on and the sound of the flickering fire echoed through the room.

You finished your third chapter and threw your book down.

"I'm boooored"

You said while letting yourself dramatically fall on the couch.

"Someone give me attention"

You said while making annoying noises.

Ororo walked towards you and whispered something in your ear


You ran into your room and grabbed your black winter jacket. You put on some gloves and threw a (hogwarts house) scarf around your neck.

You ran downstairs again and opened the doors of the X-mansion. Not even one second later you got a snowball in your face. You jumped and looked at the person standing in front of you. It was Ororo, and she had the biggest idiotic grin on her face.

"You are so dead Weather-girl"

You said while making a snowball.

Before she could run away you had already thrown the snowball. It landed on her face.

"Revenge feels good"

You said while clapping your hands.

Then you felt snow sliding into your jacket from the back. You screamed in surprise


You said as you tried to get it out. You looked behind you and saw Hank with a mischievous smirk on his face.


You said while you gave him a dead look. Before you could reach for more snow, a snowball flew right next to your face, hitting Hank's jacket. You turned around and saw Peter standing in a distant


You said while you ran towards him and wrapped him in a big hug. You looked in his eyes and said

"Let's finish them"

He smiled and broke the hug

"I got some reinforcements"

He said while Raven, Erik and Jean walked towards you

You couldn't contain your smile and said

"We are here today for one goal and one goal only. To destroy the enemy!"

You said while you pointed tobOroro and Hank, who had been joined by Scott, Kurt and Jubilee.

"It is either kill or get killed. We show NO MERCY!! After this we will make sure they remember us as the army that defeated weather-girl's clan."


They all yelled at the same time

"But we need a plan of attack!"

Raven said

"I have a plan, attack"

You said while you ran towards Ororo with a snowball in your hand and let out a war cry.

You threw the ball straight in Ororo's face and she turned towards you.


Ororo yelled and everyone started attacking

(Imagine this was looking like the Captain America: Civil War airport scene)

Yeah I know this one is short but yeh....

Btw you won (obviously I mean, you had Peter)

Part 29 coming soon <3

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