Chapter 38 - Fuck off

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I woke up in a big round cell with weird green lights. I looked around and noticed Jean and Raven talking to each other. I could see the worries on their faces. I looked towards the ground and saw Ororo still unconscious. Then it hit me

Where is Y/N? He took her too.

"Where's Y/N?"

I asked

Jean and Raven turned around, noticing me awake



I yelled

"Goodmorning to you too Peter"

We heard over the intercom

"Stryker you sick son of a-"

"Language mister. I think you probably noticed that your beloved fiancé isn't here"

"What did you do to her?"

"Not to worry. She's in safe hands"

"What do you want from her?"

"She's stronger than you know Peter"

"I think I know how strong she is. I noticed before"

"Good, than why did you ask why I took her. It's obvious. She's a strong mutant, a little too dangerous for my doing"

"Don't tell me you-"

"Killed her? Good heavens no. Not yet. I still need her. You see, we need her DNA to make a cure for Mutants. Since she's strong, her DNA is more powerful and more useful. But of course we have to experiment first. If she dies, you'll be next, so not to worry"

"How will that comfort me?"

"It doesn't. Hope you enjoy your staying"

That was the last he said before walking away


I tried to stop him but it didn't work. I broke down crying and saw Jean with tears in her eyes too.

"I'm gonna kill him"

I said inbetween sobs


I woke up in a small cell and noticed that the shot in my ankle has been wrapped.

"Welcome back princess"

I turned around and saw Stryker

"Fuck off"

"Don't talk to me like that. I don't wanna hurt you"

"Than you shouldn't have kept me here"

"But I need you"

"Pfft, yeah sure you do"

"I do. I'm just gonna make this simple to avoid complications. I'm gonna need to run some tests on you to heal mutants"


"Making them....less mutanty"

"You sick son of a-"

"You look like your boyfriend you know that. He's quite protective isn't he? If it wasn't for that cell I'm sure he would've killed me. He really seems to love you. I would hate to hurt him"

Your face dropped and turned into a sad look

"Please don't hurt him"

"I won't if you just cooperate"

You sighed deeply. You didn't want to help, but you couldn't stand Peter being hurt, knowing it was your fault.

"You promise?"

"I promise"

You hesitated for a while

"Fine, I'll help you"

"That a girl"

He said with a smile

He opened the cell and held out his hand

"No thanks" (Why did I think of Liza; "thank you, I have a boyfriend")

You said while shoving away his hand

Then you felt something sting in your back.

"To make sure you won't try to kill me"

You heard before everything went black

—time skip brought to you by that son of a bitch Stryker—

You woke up in a different room

"Took you long enough"

You heard Stryker mumble

"I'm only doing this so you won't hurt Peter"

"It still counts"

He said while he stood up and walked towards a small table.

"These are some small tests. We made them ourself but we never had a test object. But now....."

He looked at you

"Now we do."

He took a small injection and walked closer to you

Nonono, I hate needles

"This will only hurt for a while"

He said. Before you could react you felt something sting in your arm

"Now we wait for the results"

Ten minutes passed and nothing unusual happened yet.

"I'm running out of patience. Next"

Stryker said while walking towards the table again

—yipiekayay motherfuckers, another time skip—

You were sure you've been sitting in this chair for three hours now. You started to feel weak since some injections actually hurt and looked to have some kind of effect. The room was spinning and you heard voices talk in your head.

"Still doing alright princess?"


You lied, not wanting to make him happy with making progress

He sighed and took another injection

This one was more painful than the others. It stung a lot and you felt your muscles weaken. You started seeing black dots and the voices were echoing

"You think it worked?"

You heard Stryker say

"We will know soon enough"

Another voice said. Probably one of the scientists there

Then everything went black

Part 39 coming soon <3

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