Chapter 64 - Sick

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You were currently laying in bed. You should not have eaten that last doughnut. Hank told you to take it easy and get some rest. And so you did.

Scott was sitting next to you on the bed, playing with Han. He was one big ball of energy(Han not Scott xD). Well big, he was six months so not entirely grown yet, but you couldn't pick him up anymore. Han was, like he always does, biting someone. In this case Scott. It was hilarious to watch. Every time Han but Scott, Scott would not him back very softly. Han would make a confused noice and tilt his head to one side, then he would bite Scott again. It was adorable, yet funny.

Then Han let out a bark, well, a mix of a bark and a yap. Scott didn't hesitate and barked back. Then Han barked again. This fight went on for five minutes. That's when Peter walked in

Peter I love you, but Scott was about to win

Han jumped off the bed and ran into Peter's arms

"Hello mister Solo"

He said as he started, playfully, fighting with Han (I do this all the time with my dog and it's adorable)

Scott laughed and you smiled widely at your dorky husband

After a while, Han gave up and jumped back onto the bed. Peter stood up and sat down beside you (it's king sized so Scott doesn't have to fall off)

He kissed your forehead and grabbed your hand

"I told you you should stop eating that much"

"You don't tell me what to do. By the way, I'm not feeling sick anymore. It was just for one moment"

He smiled.

"Hank said you should stay here, just in case it gets worse. But we are here with you right?"

You were about to sit up when Peter pushed you down


"But Pet-"

"No. You need rest"

"I've rested for one hour now, that's enough I think"

I sighed

"Fine, but can you turn on Netflix?"

"Of course Twinkie, what do you wanna watch?"

"The good place"

"Again? You've seen that show like three times!"

"I don't care, I wanna watch it again"

He laughed and walked towards the tv remote.

"I-If you don't mind, I have to use the bathroom again"

You jumped out of bed and quickly ran into your bathroom. You kneeled in front of the toilet seat and threw up again


Within one second Peter was kneeling next to you, patting your back and keeping your hair from your face.

"It's okay Twinkie"

Then Scott ran in


Peter nodded and you tried to focus on not falling down

"I think you should get so-"

But you interrupted by throwing up again

"Scott did you poison my doughnut?"

You said, laughing a bit

"What no! And correction: MY doughnut, not yours. You stole it from me"

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