Chapter 44 - Han Solo

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Photo's used in this chapter aren't mine. I have a white Swiss shepherd but I decided to do a German Shepherd for this story. Just enjoy it <3


Peter and Hank were on their way to pick up Han. You still weren't allowed to walk, so Jean and Ororo helped move the stuff in your room. Soon the room was filled with dog toys and thousands of pillows.

"Peter and Hank are on their way home"

Ororo said as she checked her phone.

"And look at this"

She said while she showed me a picture

She said while she showed me a picture

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My heart melted at the cuteness

"It's so fluffy!!"

Jean said

"It is!!"

I said, my eyes glued to the phone.

"He is so adorable, why would no one want him?"

"You wouldn't mind me stealing Han would you?"

Ororo asked

"Yes I would, Han is mine!"

The argument went on until you heard someone knock on your door


You asked

"I have a surprise"

You heard Peter say

You immediately smiled and pushed Ororo off of your bed

"Come in"

The door opened and an adorable puppy came running in, tripping over his own feet


You said, your heart melting again

"Come to mommy"

You said as you spread your arms

Han tried to jump onto the bed, but was to small

Jean carefully picked him up and set him down next to you. He ran towards you and started jumping up to you

"Hello Han, welcome home"

You said in a sweet voice, wrapping Han in your arms

He was wagging as he tried to hide his face in your stumach as much as possible

"I love you Han"

He stopped and looked up to you, crooking his head to one side

You laughed and repeated

"I love you"

He crooked his head to the other side

"I loooove you"

He jumped and licked your face

"I think he likes you"

Peter said as he sat down beside you. Just when he sat down you saw a flash: Ororo, who else?

"I'm going to protect forever"

She said as she held it close to her chest

"This is going in the photo album, Ororo come on!"

Jean said and they ran out of the room, leaving you, Peter and Han behind

"He is adorable"

You said, your eyes glued to Han

Then he let out a small yap.

"Oh my goood!! You are so cute"

You said as you petted his head

"And so fluffy!!!"

Peter wrapped an arm around you and rested his head in the crook of your neck.


"No, I just love seeing you like this. You can finally forget about the pain"

"I already did Peter, you helped me"

"And Jean, and Scott, and Ororo, and-"

"But you got me everything I needed. If I wanted some pizza you were the one to get me that. And you slept next to me every night, making sure no one could hurt me"

You heard him let out a small laugh

"I did do that"

"Exactly. I love you Speedy"

"I love you more Twinkie"

Han yapped again

"And I love you"

Peter said while booping his nose

Han tried to bite his finger but Peter had already pulled away

"Were you trying to bite me young man?"

He said in a playful voice. He sat up and shoved closer to Han

"Did you really think you could bite me"

Peter started booping his nose again and Han started to snap again

"Too slow"

Again Peter booped his nose, this time Han reacted faster. He bit Peter's finger playfully and started wagging

"It's on Solo"

He said as he started booping again. This went on for five minutes until Han got tired

He walked onto your lap and rolled himself up. He let out an adorable yawn

"Goodnight Han"

You said as you softly patted his head

"He is so cute, thank you Peter"

"You're welcome Twinkie, nice decorating you did by the way"

"I didn't do it, Jean and Ororo did."

"I'm sure you helped a little"

"I did tell them where everything should be"


Peter yawned

"I think I agree with Han Solo, it is getting late"

Peter layed down and patted his chest, gesturing for you to rest on it. You let yourself fall back and rested your head on his chest.

"Goodnight Twinkie"

He said as he placed a kiss on your forehead

Then Han woke up and walked inbetween you guys. He let hisself fall down and closed his eyes again

"And goodnight to you too Han"

Peter said while kissing his forehead

"I love you Twinkie"

Was all you heard before falling asleep

Part 45 coming soon <3

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