Chapter 69 - Diana

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Hehe, chapter 69....sorry


You were still screaming about the engagement of Jean and Scott. Jean Told you five minutes ago but you were still hyped.


"I know, you've been telling me for five minutes now"


Kurt ran towards us

"Scott told me to get you guys"


"Y/N's going in labor"

Your and Jean's eyes widened. You suddenly forgot about her engagement

You quickly grabbed her hand


You ran towards the emergency room but got stopped by Scott

"Hank told me no one should come in. Sorry, but we'll have to wait here"

I sighed and took a seat at the couch next to the door. Jean fell down beside me and laid her head on my lap. I brushed her hair gently with my fingers

"How Jean?"

"How what?"

"How is your hair so soft?"

She smiled

"I don't know"

"What conditioner do you use?"

"The same as you and Y/N"

"Then how the hell is your hair so soft? How many times do you wash it?"

"Three, four times a week"

I sighed again

"I want your hair to, but not red"

She looked at me confused

"I-I didn't mean it like that, I mean, I don't think red hair would look cute on me"

"Ororo, everything looks cute on you"

"Awww, thanks Jean, by the way, can I walk you down the aisle on the wedding, since your know"

"Died? Of course Ororo, I would love it if you would walk me down the aisle, but that means that Y/N gets to bring the rings"


She laughed and sat back up

"What are you gonna do?"

"Ororo, this is gonna take a while. I'm getting some snacks and a game to play. I'll be right back"

"Don't forget the popcorn"

"I won't"

And with that she walked out of the hall

"Can you believe that Y/N is finally getting her baby?"

I asked Scott, way to excited

"I think it's gonna be horrible, I mean, Y/N and Peter having a child?! That's like Satan in a baby form"

I laughed, he wasn't wrong

"Yes, but I'm sure we'll get to teach it stuff too. Let's teach it not to kill people"

"Unless they threaten to kill you"

"Scott nO"

—Time skip brought to you by my new unhealthy obsession for Nifflers—

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