Chapter 16 - Not without you

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"Scott you just suck at this game"

"She must have seen my cards!!"

"Have not!"

"Yes you have, don't deny it!!"

"Scott, just give it up. You do suck at this game"

You said, shushing Scott and Jean.

"I hate Uno"

He threw his cards on the table and laid back in his chair

"Stupid game"

He muttered. Suddenly you felt two arms wrapped around your waist from behind your back

"Hi babe"

You recognised Peter's voice and immediately started smiling. He planted a quick kiss on your cheek

"Did you help Hank?"

"As I promised"

"Thanks Speedy"

"You're welcome twinkie"

You turned around and was now facing Peter. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tip-toed, trying to kiss Peter.

"Ehm guys, we're still here"

Scott said with a loud cough.

You let go of Peter and walked towards Scott.

"Y/N easy..."

Ororo said, but she wasn't going to walk to you to calm you down. She liked to see Scott's ass being beated by you...AGAIN

You reached for your shoe and pulled it off. Scott stood up his chair and started slowly walking back

"GO Y/N!!"

You heard Jean shout.

"I'm your boyfriend!! You're supposed to protect me!!"

You were now standing in front of Scott and smacked him with your shoe.


"Ouch, sorry Y/N"


You slipped your shoe back on and walked back to Peter. He just stood there, smiling like an idiot.

"Now where were we?"

You started tip-toeing again, but was interupted by a loud crash

"What the fuck?"

You muttered

You looked behind Peter and noticed a big fire. You looked at Ororo and she gave you the 'I'm-coming-with-you' look.

You walked towards the fire with Ororo following you.

"What about us?"

Peter shouted

"Stay there!! I'll be right back!!"

You shouted back, signaling for them to stay there

As you and Ororo walked closer to the fire, you saw it was in the west-wing of the building. You immediately started panicking.

You rushed towards a group of children, watching the fire from a distant.

"Where's dad?"

You asked.

No one responded


You asked/shouted

Hank walked towards you.

"I thought he was with you"

You started to tear up.

"This can't be happening. This isn't real"

You shot Hank a look

"Y/N, no, it's too dangerous"

You pulled off your jacket and threw it in Hank's arms

"Ororo, get the fire out of the building!"

"Got it"

You walked closer to the mansion

"Y/N!! Even when you don't get burned, you'll probably die because of the lack of oxygen! Don't go in there!!!"

Hank shouted

"I'll be okay"

"No you won't!! Y/N please don't do this!! Get Peter to do this. He'll be back in a second"

"And walk back?! By that time he's already dead!!"

"Y/N listen to me!!!"

But it was to late, you had already walked in.


You tried to look inbetween the flames. You walked up the stairs and looked for Charles


You walked through the hall, trying to not get burned

'Come on Ororo, hurry up'

Then you heard a loud cough



"Not without you!! Where are you?!"

"Doesn't matter!! Get out of here!!"

"I'm not going without you, so either you tell me where you are or we both die!!"

There was a long silence


"I'm in the library, come quickly"

You rushed to the library, but got burned halfway. You screamed out in pain. You looked at your right leg, which was now fully burned. You decided not to stop and stumbled further.

When you finally arrived at the library, you saw your dad laying on the floor.


"Hurry up, we don't have much time"

He said inbetween coughs

You stumbled until you were in front of your dad.

"Your leg-"

"It's fine, take my hand"

You reached out your hand and he grabbed it immediately.

You tried pulling him up, but you were to weak. Hank was right, you could barely breath and started to become weaker every second.

You kneeled down beside him and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

The flames started growing bigger

'Ororo I asked you to get the fire out!! Hurry up'

You tried standing up but fell down.

"Y/N, give it up, just go"

"No, not without you"

He coughed loudly

"You have to"

Then a shelf fell down right on top of you. The back of your head touched the ground and everything started turning black

Chapter 17 coming soon <3

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