Chapter 75 - Not you too

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Quick note:

This is the last chapter of this story....don't worry I'm gonna make a sequel but I just don't know what to write anymore and this book has like 80 chapters......oOpS



You watch how Peter limps towards you, more tears streaming down his face. He falls down beside you and holds you in his arms

"No, not you too. Please Twinkie, stay with me"

"S-sorry Peter"

—One hour earlier—

I was dancing to Queen with Diana, while Han was running around us happily

Peter walks in and smiled at the sight

"Love of my life, can't you see. Bring it back, bring it back. Don't take it away from me, because you don't know, what it means to me"

Then Diana gets snapped out of my arms. I turn around and see Peter twirling her around.

"Weeeeee!!! I'm a bird!!"

"You're not a bird Diana. You're an Angel. And Angels fly too"

I said, laughing while Han tries to tackle Peter.

"Daddy put me down!"

Peter does what was his told and puts Diana back onto the ground.

Then she walks behind Peter and shoves him closer to me. Diana takes one of his arms and wrap it around my waist, and does the same with the other

"Now mommy, you have to wrap your hands around Daddy's neck"

You nod and put your hands behind Peter's back

"And now princess?"

"You dance"

She says as she walks toward Han and start 'dancing' with him

You smiled and looked Peter in the eyes. You saw him leaning in and you did the same. Just before your lips could touch, you were interrupted


You gave Peter a quick kiss and you heard Diana gasp. You laughed and started dancing

"You will remember, when this is blown over and everything's all by the way. When I grow older, I will be there at your side to remind you, how I still love you. I still love youuu"

Diana stands on the table and starts airguitaring. You and Peter smiled at each other. Then Diana started singing along.

"Back, hurry back, please bring it back home to me, because you don't know, what it means to me. Love of my life. Love of my life. Ooh, ooh"

The song finished and you clapped for Diana. Sure, her voice didn't sound that good yet, but it's the effort she did for it

She ran towards you, but was interrupted half way.

You heard a loud bang and Diana fell to the ground. It took a while before you and Peter noticed what happened


Your voice skipped and you ran towards Diana. You kneeled down beside her and held her head on your lap

"Stay with us princess, it's gonna be alright"

Tears streamed down your face as you heard people running into the room

"Y/N!! Get yourself and Diana out of here!!"

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