Chapter 42 - You tell me every day

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I heard some soft snoring and turned around, where I saw Y/N asleep. Even though she had some cuts and bruises on her face, she was just as adorable as always. I shoved some closer towards her and held her in my arms.

I felt her move softly


She mumbled

"It's me Twinkie"

"Why aren't you asleep"

She said with a groggy voice

"I had a nightmare, but it's not for you to worry about"

"Yes it is"

She said while escaping from my arms

"Your problems are my problems"

I smiled at how adorable she was.

"Now tell me about that nightmare, it helps, trust me"

"I-I was dreaming about you dying in the hands of Stryker, that I was too late"

"Awww Peter it's okay, you weren't too late. You were just on time"

I smiled softly

"Besides, it was just a dream. Stryker is dead"

"I'm happy he is, but I should've been the one who killed him"

"You killed his guards, I'm proud of you Peter. You saved me"

"I did save your cute ass there"

She laughed, something I haven't heard since the day that Stryker invades the mansion

"What's wrong?"

She asked

"Nothing why?"

"You look like your in some sort of trance"

"I think I am"


"I love your smile, I missed it so much"

I came closer to her and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead

"Where should I be without you Peter?"

"Not far"

She laughed again

"I think you're right"

She said as she nuzzled her face in my chest.

"I missed you so much Twinkie"

I wrapped my arms around her protectively.

"I'm not gonna let anybody hurt you anymore"

I held on to her for a while until I heard her softly snoring again

"Goodnight Twinkie"

I said before I fell asleep too

—Guess what? TIME SKIP!! Yuh—


I was in the kitchen to get some cereal.

"Okay who took the Cheerios?!"

I yelled

"I DID!!"

Scott yelled back happily



I sighed. I knew one person, but she doesn't like to get awoken.

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