Chapter 48 - Request

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This pic is taken by me, I got home from school early and I was too bored so I fucked up our Netflix names. I'm actually very proud


When you walked into the mansion. You immediately heard a small bark. You kneeled down while Han ran towards you, sometimes tripping over his own legs

"Hi Han!!"

You said as you hugged the puppy

He started licking your face and barking happily. Before you knew it, Peter was kneeling beside you and gave you a side hug

"Hi Twinkie"

"Hello Peter"

You said as you kissed his forehead

"What's wrong?"

He suddenly asked

"Huh? Oh, nothing"

"Yes, something is wrong. You always have these sparkles in your eyes but they're gone now. Who hurt you? WHO DO I HAVE TO KILL?!"

"Easy Peter, it's nothing really"

"Twinkie, please don't lie to me"

You sighed but finally gave in

"Fine, my ex-boyfriend, Jacob, is back in New York after we made a deal that he would never come here again. He used me because of Charles and broke up a 2 year relation ship over a text message"

"Hate him already"

"He said he came back here because his father is being suspected for a murder on a woman. Although I hate Jacob I absolutely loved his parents. I don't believe he killed that woman, but I can't show compassion to that douchebag Jacob"

"It's okay Y/N. I will kill him next time I see him"

He said as he held you tight.

"I love you Peter"

"I love you t-"


Charles shouted from the other room


You gave Peter a quick kiss on the lips and letter Han before you walked away

You walked into the room and closed the door behind you

"What's wrong dad?"

"I assume you know that Jacob-"

"Is back in town? Yeah I know"

"Do you know why?"

"Yes, because his father is being suspected for murder"

"I-I have a request. And you're not gonna like it, but just let me finish"


"Mariá Mazariegos called me and hoped you could come to court with her and Jacob"

You chocked on air

"Excuse me what?"

"She knows how close you and Andrew were and she was hoping you could convince the judges that he is innocent"

"W-Why me? I haven't seen them in what, 5 years?"

"She said it would mean a lot to Andrew"

You sighed. You really didn't want to come, just because Jacob was there. But a few years back you were wandering around New York and lost Charles. Andrew, AKA Jacob's father helped you find him back. The least you could do was help him out in court.

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