Chapter 49 - Court

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You were pacing back and forth. You were very stressed. You haven't seen Mariá and Andrew in years, what if they wouldn't recognize you. What if they would send you away?

"You okay Y/N?"

Jean asked

"Yeah, yeah, just very stressed. What do I say if they asked me something? I wasn't even there. I haven't seen them in years, how will I help this case? What if I'm just there for decoratio-waiiittt, what If Jacob starts hitting on me? I can't punch him in court. Goddamnit Jean, what do I do?"

"Wow take it easy Y/N. First of all, you shouldn't worry about it. It'll be fine. Just tell them what Andrew did to help you. Secondly, I love that dress"

"I don't see how the last part helps but thanks"

You looked in the mirror and made sure there weren't any Han hairs on it

(Your dress)

"I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I-"

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"I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I-"

Then you heard a car horn


You said, panicking again

"Y/N look at me."

You looked at Jean

"Breath in and out...easy and steady"

You did as was told

"Now stand straight and smile when you walk out of the mansion. I know this is gonna be hard, but don't ignore Jacob. Just....pretend to be fine"

"Okay, I can do that"

The doors opened and you saw Mariá Mazariegos smiling at you


You said while you tried to walk back

Jean stopped you

"Y/N, please.....just calm down okay? It'll be alright. It's over before you know. Understand?"

You nodded and Jean wrapped you in a hug

"Don't kill Jacob in court"

She whispered before she broke the hug

You smiled at her and inhaled deeply

"I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss"

You walked towards Mariá and smiled

"Hola Y/N, it's so good to see you again"

She said in a little Spanish accent (Yes, she's spanish)

"Hello Mariá"

You said before you were surprised with a big hug

You hesitantly wrapped your arms around her. It has been five years since your last hug

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