Chapter 10 - Code Red

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"Jean, I'm so sorry"


Two houres earlier

I was reading in the common room when Scott came running in

"Y/N!! Code red!!"

"Shit, Ororo again?"

"Yep and she's about to kill us if we don't gear up"

I nodded and we ran into my room. I saw Peter, Jean, Kurt, Raven, Hank and Erik sitting on my bed (it was kingsized so...). I quickly locked the door

"So what is our strategy General Y/L/N?"

Hank started

"Soldiers, it's code red! And it's Ororo! So we are most likely going to die. But before we do, we have to make sure we did the best we could. Peter, you have superspeed. Speed up and get the weapons! Erik, I need you to make sure no one comes in this room except Peter. Hank, we need you to finish your trap as fast as possible. Scott and Jean, you two get the suits. Make sure to not be caught. Kurt, I need you to watch Ororo and keep us posted on every movement she makes and teleport Raven to safety if Ororo sees what's going on. Raven, you know what to do"

She nodded


They all stood up and saluted you


Peter was gone within a second. Jean and Scott walked out of the door, Kurt teleported Raven to Ororo, Erik guarded the door and Hank sneaked inside the living room.


You heard Ororo scream. Shit, she's closer than you thought.

"Ororo my child, what's going on?"

You heard Charles say, but you knew damn well it was Raven


I ran towards the Nerf guns in the garage. I had only been here for, almost, three weeks. It was great here, but code red was serious bussiness; Periods. I learned about code red last week, with Jean. It was fun, but we all ended up in a lot of bruises. Especially Y/N. I wasn't dating her back then, so I didn't want to come to close, otherwise people would now I fell for her.

I should've protected her. Y/N almost broke her arm! I'm not even overreacting. She melted all the chocolate in the entire mansion and threw it over Jean. She was so pissed, if Ororo didn't pull Jean away, Y/N would've been dead. Damn, girls really are different persons on their time of the month.

Besides the fact that people nearly die in the fight, it is also hilarious. We fight against the girl with nerf guns and we have to wear special suits so the other mutants can see we're on war path. When it's code red, Charles is the first to know. He tells all the children to stay in their rooms until the elite team, us, has defeated the enemy. Hank sets up a lot of traps and Y/N turnes into some kind of high commander when the war starts.

It's adorable. Especially because she is so short. She is smaller than everyone in the team, except Charles because he's in a wheelchair.

Focus Peter, we have a war to win

I grabbed the nerfs and ran back to the safe room, A.K.A Y/N's room

*time skip brought to you by an emotional but dangerous Ororo*

"My fellow soldiers. If this door opens we go out there and we fight like it's our last fight! Understood?"


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