Chapter 51 - For Mariá

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That picture tho. I want a baby Niffler too :(


Mariá was in the kitchen making burrito's for everyone, as a 'thank you' for staying.

You were in the common room, listening to Queen with your head phones on while reading Y/F/B (Your favorite book)

You were laying in Peter's arms since Jacob never stopped hitting on you.

'Jesus, that dude is really bothering me. It has been six years! I'm engaged for Christ sake. C'mon Jacob'

'I know right?'

'Jean, I thought I told you to stay out of my head'

'It looked like something was bothering you. I was just curious'

'I hate Jacob. Jean, I have to tell you something but pretend to not be shocked okay?'

'Yeah sure, what's wrong?'

'Right before Andrew died he told me Jacob killed that woman, but I shouldn't tell him I know it or he'll kill me'

'Holy shit....WHAT THE FUCK'

'I know! We have to prove that he's guilty but how? Can you look inside his head to see if he really did it. It's not that I don't believe Andrew, it's just....I have to be sure'



'Andrew was right. Jacob did kill that woman'

'That son of a bitch'

'I knew something was off about him when I told him I could read minds'

'We're holding a murderer in our house'

'I'm not defending but you are aware that we all killed people here right?'

'That's different'

'How is that different?'

'Just....Nevermind, I don't like it that Jacob's here. He met me like two days ago and he's already trying to get back to off'

'He should know that you can kill him'

'Not anymore....they took my powers'

'Y/N, you are the most ass-kicking, awesome, sweet, kind, adorable, cute, savage, shady, smart, beautiful, fearless and brave person I've ever met. You don't need your powers to show him that he's nothing compared to you. And if he even tries to break up you and Peter, I will personally get Ororo and Scott to kill him.'

'Aww thank you'

You were snapped out of your thoughts when Jacob walked towards you

"Can we talk Y/N?"

You pretended to not hear him and continued your reading


"Listen buddy, as you can see she's busy now and she clearly doesn't want to be disturbed, so back off"

Peter said

"It's important. It's about that murder"

You took off your headphones

"Don't worry Peter. I'll be back"

You stood up and followed Jacob to the hall


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