Chapter 25 - Listen

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I was crying in my room, with my head burried in my pillow. I wish I could tell myself that I didn't need him but I did. I missed him already. I don't understand why he would do me like this. I trusted him, I loved him, I told him so many times that I couldn't live without him. Why did he lie to me?

I was so gone in thoughts and sobs that I didn't hear someone enter the room.


I recognized that voice.

"Fuck off"

"Y/N, can I at least explain?"



"And why should I listen?"

"Because I love you"

"Well I don't love you"

My heart broke when I said those words, but I didn't want to admit that I still loved him. I felt Peter sitting next to me.

"Please Y/N, just listen"

I looked up and stared into his deep brown eyes. He was going to wipe away a tear but I backed off


He sighed but started talking

"I wasn't kissing that girl"

"Sure you weren't"

"I really wasn't. She was kissing me"

"So you just kissed back?!"

"I didn't Y/N. Her name is Emma and I know her because of my old school. She always had a crush on me, but I didn't like her. I never did. I didn't know she was also a mutant. I didn't know she also went here. Please Y/N, I love you so so much. I love your little freckles, I love the little sparks in your eyes, I love your dimples you show when you laugh, I love the way your hair frames your face perfectly, I love your voice and your passion, I love your soft skin and I love all your imperfections. Y/N, please forgive me"

You were quiet for a while. You wiped away your tears and showed Peter a little smile

"Can we start over?"

He asked

"No. I don't wanna start over. I just wanna pretend this didn't happen"

He smiled and started to lean in, so did you. You felt his soft lips on yours. You schootched closer to him and so did he. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

He broke the kiss

"I don't deserve you"

He whispered in your ear. You pushed him down on the bed.


"Okay okay, I'm sorry.....can I call you Twinkie again?"

You were quiet for a while

"Hmmmm, well I don't Peter, can you?"

He gave you a smirk

"Yes I can"

"Well, than that's the awnser to your question"

You stretched out your arm to help him get up, but instead he pulled you down. He was lying on top of you now.

"Can I?"

He asked. You gave him the same smirk he gave you ten seconds ago

"I'll take that as a yes"

—Little time skip because I don't write smut (sorry)—


I was laying in Y/N's bed with Y/N beside me (yes naked okay, happy now?) I had wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close to me. Her head was resting on one of my arms as she was softly snorring. I couldn't imagine life without her. I remembered the first day I met her. I was gonna steal some CD's but when I noticed Y/N, I didn't want to steal anything from her. So I decided to do something I didn't do quite often; Actually pay. I remembered her singing and dancing through the shop. It was adorable. I immediately fell for her. I never knew that I would get this far as we are now. God I'm so lucky.

I heard someone knock on the door


I heard Ororo say.

"Are you already asleep? I think we should talk about Peter. You should talk to him. There is no way you're gonna let go of him. You love him and he loves you. What happened was a mistake! You're supposed to get married and get children. To live together in one house and to care for each other until death does you apart. Hold on to Peter, he's the best thing that has ever happened to you and I will not let you fuck that up because of some little misunderstanding. You will thank me later, I promise. Well goodnight"

"Goodnight Ororo"

I said

"PETER?! CAN I COME I-Wait, are you  presentable? Did you make it up? Why are you still there-waiiittt, did you guys have a-"

"Yes Ororo, Yes we have"

I heared her making some inhuman noises behind the door. I could hear her feet making a little victory dance.

"I'll leave you two alone"

She said

"Thanks Ororo, for the beautiful words"

"You're very welcome Peter. Y/N is a girl you meet once in a lifetime, don't let her go"

"I promise I wont't. Goodnight"

"Goodnight to you too Peter"

Part 26 coming soon <3

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