Chapter 70 - Knowledge

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Six months after Diana was born


You were in a deep sleep until you got woken up by Diana. You heard Peter groaning beside you. You hugged him and whispered in his ear

"Your turn"

He sighed and walked towards Diana. You sat up with a huge smile on your face

"Why do you always wake us up Diana?"

He mumbled as he turned on the light. You hissed


He smirked and lifted Diana up. Her cries immediately stopped and she smiled at Peter

"She never does that with me"

You mumbled

"Aww, are you jealous?"


He laughed and looked at Diana.

"She doesn't need a diaper change"

"She just wants attention"

Peter gave Diana a kiss on her forehead and sat down beside you.

"Unbelievable. I carried her for nine months, it took fucking thirteen hours to bring her to this earth and now she looks like you"

He laughed again

"But she has your nose"

You smiled

"She does?"

"You never pay attention to your nose?"

"Why should I? Why do you?"

"Because I like to take in all your perfect details"

You blushed a little

"Are you blushing? We're married for Christ sake, you shouldn't be blushing"

"Give me a break Peter, everytime you get drunk, you blush when I look at you."

"Hey, we do not talk about my drunk moments"

"Why not? Ashamed?"

"Yeah sure Jack Sparrow"

"It's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow for you peasant"

"Well CAPTAIN, where is your ship?"

"Somewhere on the sea, why would I keep a ship on land?"

"He kept in a desert once"

"That was in Davy Jones' locker you uncultured swine"


"He was dead back then, you shithead"

"He kept it on land in Salazar's revenge"

"That was because they were robbing a bank"


"Peter, we watched all Pirates of the Caribbean movies six times in, almost, one year. Did you pay zero attention?"

"Of course I did! How dare you insult my knowledge of piracy?"

You laughed

"Darling, no one knows more about Pirates of the Caribbean than me"

"I'm not so sure about th-"

"In what year was Captain Jack Sparrow born?"

"How am I supposed to-"

"Around 1740"

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