Chapter 11 - Broken

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"Earth to Y/N"


"I can't believe it....this didn't just happen...."

"What happened Y/N?"

"Are you okay?"

"She seems to be in some sort of shock"

"Sh-she killed him...."

"Who killed who Y/N?"

"J.K Rowling sh-she just killed him...."

"J.K Rowling? The J.K Rowling who wrote Harry Potter?"

You nodded and let everyone see the title of the book

"Order of the phoenix?"

I nodded again

"She read it....."

Jean said

"What did she read?"

"Was it Bellatrix honey?"


"Everyone give her some space, she's in mourning"


"S-Sirius Blacks.....Bellatrix killed him...."

"Oh baby, I know it hurts, I went through the same pain"

Jean sat down beside me and patted me on the back

"Will he come back to life?"

"I-I'm sorry Y/N, he's really gone"

Tears rolled down my cheeks. Hean wrapped me in a hug

"You're crying over a fictional character?"

Scott asked, full disbelieve

"JuSt A FiCtIoNaL ChArAcTeR?!"

I asked, while I stood up

"Sirius Blacks and I had a bond!!"

"He's not even real"

You gasped

"He's not alive"

"No nOt AnYmOrE"

"Scott, you don't want to enter this fight. It's two fangirls against one dipshit who knows nothing"

Peter said, holding Scott back

"You know Harry Potter too?"

"Ofcourse I do! Who doesn't? Y/N, don't worry, I cried too"

"Peter cried over a fictional character?"

"So? I did and Y/N does too"

Jean said, protecting Peter

"Scott, don't protest. Jean is very dangerous when she's fangirling."

Kurt said

"Damn right she is. And when Y/N is fangirling too, there is no way you'll make it out of a fight alive"

Ororo said

"Fine, I'm retreating"

"Good decission"

"Y/N, I have good news, but it's also bad news"

"What is it Jean?"

"Sirius won't be forgotten but there are a lot more people going to die"

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