Chapter 39 - It worked?

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I was sitting on the ground. I had my knees to my chest as I buried my face in my hands.

I shouldn't have left her there. I should've gotten her home. Home to Lorna and mom. Not outside the mansion. God Peter, you're so stupid

I tried to shake away the thoughts but it was hard.

I let out quiet sobs, hoping no one could hear them

"Peter, she's gonna be alright I promise"

Ororo said, who had already woken up

"How do you know?!"

I said inbetween sobs

"What if she'll die Ororo?! I don't want my Twinkie to die! We were supposed to grow old together and have grand children. Stryker is planning on killing her!!"

"I never was Peter"

I heard a voice say over the intercom. I voice I know way to well, Stryker

I tried standing up but remembered I got shot in my leg twice. I tilted my head up and showed him an angry look

"What did you do Stryker?"

"Your fiancé is currently sleeping. We think the medicine might have worked but we're not sure yet. We'll see when she wakes up

My face dropped

If it worked, does that mean she isn't a mutant anymore. That she'll not be able to stay in the mansion anymore?

"Stryker, you better pray it didn't work because I will kill you"

Jean said

"Are we threatening now redhead?"

"Don't call me that"

He sighed

"Anyways, I'll keep you guys updated about what happens"

"What if it worked? What happens to us?"

"I'll free you"

We looked at each other faces, clearly confused

"Free you of your mutant genes of course, I mean did you really think we would let mutants in the run after it took so long to catch them?"

"What happened with Scott, Kurt and Hank?"

I said, finally realizing they weren't here


Stryker said, obviously not knowing them


I don't want to get them in trouble. I only want Y/N to be safe

"Well guys, it was lovely talking to you, but I just heard that the princess has awoken"

"Fuck you Stryker"

"Love you too Mystique"

Then he disappeared out of view

I began crying again, hoping she would be fine


"I see you had woken up?"

You heard Stryker say

"So it wasn't a dream?"

"Not even close. How are you feeling?"

"Why should I tell you? You tried to kill me!"

"First of all, I want to get those mutant cells out of you and secondly, I have to know the side effects"

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