Chapter 14 - Imagines 2

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Yes a pt. 2. I'm sorry if you don't really like these chapters but I think they're funny and adorable. Let me know if you like these

Imagine 1:

You: *showering and singing Remember me*
You: Remember me. Though I have to say goodbye. Remember me. Don't let it make you cry. For ever if I'm far away. I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you. Each night we are apart
Peter: *walks into your room and hears you singing*
Peter: *sits down and enjoys this moment, knowing you'll kill him if you figure out he has been in your room the entire time*

Imagine 2:

Peter: Hey Y/N? Do you want a quickie? In the kitchen?
You: *chockes on water*
You: A what?!
Peter: You know, one of those egg bake things? Ororo made some
You: A QUICHE?! Do you mean QUICHE?!

Imagine 3:

You: Peter!! Do you want some M&M's?!
Peter: Yeah sure, I'll come down in a bit!!
You: *waits patiently*
Peter: *comes down and kisses your cheek*
Peter: Hi babe
You: Hi Speedy
Peter: *grabs a M&M but spits it out immediately*
You: *whistles innocently while shoving away a bag of Skittles*

Imagine 4:

Scott: Hey Peter
Peter: Yeah?
Scott: What's the best thing you've done in your life?
Peter: Y/N
Charles: *spits out water*

Imagine 5:

Peter: Y/N, Y/N wake up!
You: *sleepy voice*
You: What Peter?
Peter: You only have five minutes to life but everytime you breath, the clock restarts
You: ....
Peter: ....
You: Peter, it's two in the morning

Imagine 6:

Peter: Does it ever scare you that the sun won't last forever? That one day it'll explode, killing everyone on earth in fiery destruction
You: Believe me, you'll be dead before that happens
Peter: I don't know if that's a reassurence or a threat

Imagine 7:

You: *showering*
Peter: *shoves away curtain*
You: *screams*
Peter: Y/N, are-
You: *screams*
Peter: Calm down it's just me.
You: *slowly stops screaming*
Peter: Are we out of cheetos?

Imagine 8:

You: Peter, you're not supossed to go back to start!
Peter: But it says here!
Peter: I'm sure you're right but WHY?!

Imagine 9:

Peter: Y/N!!! I hurt myself!!
You: Awww, what did you do?
Peter: I bit on my lip, would you kiss it and make it better
You: ....
Peter: ....
You: Smooth Maximoff, smooth

Imagine 10:

Peter: Y/N, you have something on your face
You: Could you get it off?
Peter: *wipes your face*
Peter: It won't come off.
You: What even is on my face
Peter: Beauty
Jean: Scott, why can't you be like this?

Imagine 11:

Peter: On a scale from one to ten you're a nine. I'm the one that you need
You: Bitch I'm a ten

Imagine 12:

You: Excuse me, I'm from the FBI
Peter: ....
You: Fine Body Inspectors and I'm gonna have to ask you to assume the postition
Peter: ....
You: What?
Peter: I love you so much

Imagine 13:

You: Peter I'm full
Peter: So am I
You: But we still have fourty more chicken nuggets
Peter: I have an idea
Jean: *giving new mutants a tour through the mansion*
Jean: And if you look to your right you see the number one OTP from the mansion playing Jenga with chicken nuggets

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