Chapter 36 - Home again

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All I wanna say, I hate periods

Btw, this plays before the last chapter (the small texts imagines) bcs you were already home there. Sorry for the confusing time line but hey, it's X-men. They have confusing time lines so I guess it's okay


It was your first day back in the mansion. You arrived this afternoon and was as tired as possible. You decided not to sleep in the plain to get rid of jet-lag. Horrible decision. As you were driving through the streets of New York (the x-mansion is ik New York right?) you were fighting against your sleep

"Twinkie, just close your eyes"

"No Peter, I have to stay awake, only fifteen more minutes"

"You have been awake for almost 24 hours, you need some sleep"

"I've been awake for 48 hours once. I'll survive this"

He wrapped his arms around you and you leaned your head on his chest. He played with your hair while holding one of your hands.

He was adorable. But, because it's Peter, he had to make it weird. He let go of your hand and took one strand of hair in each hand.

"Now kiss"

He said while shoving the strands together.

Then Scott, who was sitting on the other side of you, also grabbed two strands but shoved them together wilder than Peter while making weird make-out noises.

Peter joined in and soon the car was filled with smooch sounds.

"Okay guys that's enough"

You said, trying to get your hair back

They let go off your hair and looked at you disappointed


You mumbled while you sat back up

"But you love us"

Scott said while resting his head on your lap

"We know you do Y/N"

Peter whispered in your ear

"You loooove us"

Scott said while touching his head dramatically

"Say it Y/N"

"Y/N you looooveee ussss"

"Twinkie please say it"

"Say it"

"Y/N Say I love you"

"Three simple words Y/N"

"Say iiittt"


You said, obviously giving up

"I love you guys"


Scott said

You ruffled his hair and rested your head back on Peter's chest

You felt your eyes slowly closing


You heard Scott whisper/shout

"Look, she's going to sleep"

"We did it Scott! We made her tired"

"Operation 'sleeping beauty' is a success"

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