Chapter 47 - Jacob

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You, Jean and Ororo were having a girls day out. You were currently sitting in a small café with hot choco.

"Thank you"

Jean said to the waitress as she received her apple pie.

"We should do this more often"

Ororo said

"I totally agree. It's good to have a break from the boys. I mean, I love Peter with all of my heart, but like some time away from him can't hurt"

"Hey girls?"

"Yeah Ororo?"

You and Jean said together

"Can I tell you something?"

"Always, we're here for you Ororo"

Jean said as she laid a hand on Ororo's

"Promise not to get mad?"

"Of course not"

"Ever since Y/N started dating Peter I felt a little left out, but I just rolled with it. But then Jean and Scott started dating and it kinda made me feel like a fifth wheel. I know you're trying to include me with whatever you're doing, but you guys are all so lovey-dovey, I think it's cute tho don't get me wrong, but it just makes me remind about how I have no one"

I stood up and walked towards Ororo

"I'm so sorry Ororo, I didn't know"

You said as you wrapped her in a hug

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because you love Peter so much and I didn't want to hurt you. I love you and I love Peter too and I'm so happy for you guys, but I just miss these moments. Where we were having a girls day every week. Now we only have it like, one or two times per month."

"You know what? We can have a girls day out every Saturday. Would that make you feel happier?"

"Yes, I would like that"

"Deal, let's make this tradition again"

You walked back to your seat and lifted your cup

"To a new-old tradition"

"To a new-old tradition"

Jean and Ororo said

—Time brought to you by hot choco—

You were walking in the mall with three bags of clothes. Most of it was merchandise from your favorite artists and movies, but you also had a bag filled with food: Chocolate, Popcorn, M&M's, Maltezers, Reese's, Twinkie's and a lot of other shit.

Jean bought a lot of movies and cd's. You finally convinced her to buy Fantastic Beasts and you have never been happier. Of course you made sure she would watch it tonight so she could fangirl with you.

Ororo bought a lot of sweaters and sweatpants. She also bought Christmas decoration for next year, since everything was cheap because shops have to get rid it.

You spotted a bench and sat down, tired of all the walking. Jean and Ororo sat down beside you and started talking with each other. You saw your phone screen light up:

Future Husband💍💗 send you a picture

You smiled and opened your WhatsApp to see the picture.

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