Chapter 40 - Saved

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You heard a shot but felt nothing.

Maybe I'm already dead

You opened your eyes to see Stryker and his agents on the ground. You looked around and noticed Peter standing somewhere, beating up a guard


You mumbled, your voice still weak. You were laying on the ground with blood surrounding you


He immediately let go of the guard and ran to you

He looked at you with worry all over his face

"Oh baby, what did they do to you?"

He cupped your cheek and looked in your eyes.

"I'm gonna get you somewhere safe I promise"

He was about to stand up when he heard Stryker


Peter stood up and stood above you. Making sure no one could even come near you

"Aww isn't this adorable. The couple finally together. I'm very sorry but I made myself very clear princess. Either I walk you out or I will kill you. You choose the choice I hoped you wouldn't take. You know, I actually liked you. You try to sacrifice your life for your beloved one. I really respect that, and I hate to make an end to that"

You wanted to say something but you couldn't. Your voice was too weak because you were so beaten up. You couldn't even move.

Peter looked down at you and mouthed you to stay down

You just nodded and sighed

Before Peter could move, you saw a huge red light.

Stryker fell down to reveal Scott standing behind him

"Don't mess with my sister!!"

He said while he putted his glasses back on.

You smiled but coughed up some blood


He ran towards you and Peter stepped away.

"Oh god, we have to get you back home. And quick"

You wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Where is the rest?"

Peter asked

"Waiting for us outside. Don't worry, they're safe"

Peter sighed happily

Scott walked away so Peter could pick you up bridal style.

"I'll see you at the mansion Peter. Hank is waiting for you"

He just nodded and before you knew, you were back in the mansion.

Peter putted you down on a white bed that you knew way to well. It was the same bed that you were in when you burned your leg. He carefully tucked you in and placed a kiss on your forehead

"I won't leave your side this time Y/N"

He sat down beside you and waited for Hank

You were able to move some parts of your body now, so you tried to reach for Peter's hand. Peter saw it and immediately held on tight.

"I don't wanna lose you Twinkie. I hate seeing you like this"

You tried to say something again but you still couldn't

That's when Hank walked in. When he saw you he dropped his books and rushed towards you

"Oh no, Y/N what happened? Who did this? Are you okay? You don't look okay. I should've been there. I was so sorry I couldn't be there but the professor told me to stay here for medical assistance and..."

He stopped for a while and looked in your eyes

You could see he was about to cry. You let go of Peter's hand and cupped Hank's face

"Don't cry"

You mouthed, still not able to talk

He wiped away his tears and gave you a forced smile

"I'll fix you up I promise. And as soon as possible because we both know what happens to Peter when you're injured"

You smiled, thinking back about what happened to him when you were knocked-out.

You looked at Peter and gave him a confident smile. Trying to tell him everything was going to be alright.

He grabbed your hand and kissed it multiple times.

"I just need to get you to go to sleep. This could hurt and I don't wanna see you in pain"

Hank said

You nodded, knowing he'll give you a injection so you could sleep without waking up for the next few hours

He grabbed a needle while you stared in Peter's deep brown eyes

"It's gonna be okay Twinkie. I'll stay here until you're awake again

Short one I know. Sorry

Chapter 41 coming soon <3

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