Chapter 31 - Honolulu

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Since you were staying in Hawaii for a week you and Peter decided to take a look in town. Well town, your hotel was in Honolulu, the capital city of Hawaii.

You were tying your hair in a ponytail, since it was incredibly warm there, when you heard a knock on the door


"Can I come in?"

You heard Peter asking. You looked at Jean, who was still in her pyjamas, reading a book. She nodded and smiled


The door flew open and before you knew it you were in Peter's arms. He planted kisses all over your face

"Peter, it's been one night"

You said, trying to catch your breath

"I know but I just hate waking up without you by my side"


You heard Jean say from the other side of the room

You smiled and kissed his nose


"I thought I was your Speedy?"

"Yes, but you're also adorable"


You heard Ororo say, who was sitting next to Jean now

He laughed and kissed your nose too

"Well, than you're chicken wings"

You laughed

"And why is that if I may ask?"

He smirked

"Because you're hot and I could eat you all day"

He winked at you


Jean yelled

You laughed and pulled Peter into a deep kiss

"OTP!! OTP!! OTP!!"

You could hear Jean and Ororo cheering

You broke the kiss and looked deep into his eyes.

"You know, every time I see you I just can't imagine that you're my girlfriend. You're so perfect even when you say you're not. And sometimes, I just walk up to Scott and say: 'Y/N is my girlfriend can you believe it?'"

You laughed

"You do?"

"Yep, and I like to rub it in his face by repeating it every minute"

"It surprises me that he hasn't killed you yet"

"Oh he tried, believe me, but I'm too fast"

"I know"

You said with a smirk


You heard Jean say

You laughed and broke free from Peter's arms. You grabbed one of his hands and walked out of the door.

"Have fun in Honolulu!"

"We will Ororo, thank you!"

—smol time skippie—

You and Peter were sitting in an Italian restaurant. He ordered a pepperoni pizza and you ordered (favorite Italian food)

"Mommy can I have that pizza?"

You looked behind you and saw a little girl tip-toeing, pointed towards an Hawaiian pizza (oh the irony)

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