Chapter 62 - Elevator

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You yelled, as you saw that a 'certain' mutant, *cough cough* Scott *cough*, destroyed the stairs.


"What's going on?"

Jean said as she walked towards you

"Scott destroyed the stairs"


"YES!! And there is no way I'm using the elevator. I'm still traumatized from that time I got stuck (actually true)"

"Maybe Hank can help"

"Can't, he's upstairs"


Then a loud, almost bark, was heard through the hall. You turned around and kneeled down, preparing for Han to run into your arms. And so he did. He ran towards you with full speed, which caused you to fall over.

He stood on top of you and licked your face

"Hello to you too Han"

Peter walked in and pulled Han off of you. He then stretched out an arm, which you gladly took. When you were standing him, you wrapped him in a hug

"What's going on here"

He asked as he hugged you back

"Scott broke the stairs again and I'm pretty sure he does it just to annoy me."

Peter laughed and broke the hug

"I think so too"

"We have no choice Y/N"

Jean said

Your eyes widened

"I'm not going in there"

You nearly whispered

"It could take five hours until Hank finally notices you are gone too long"

You sighed, but didn't give in

"No way Jean, you know I'm afraid of elevators. Even worse, I have claustrophobia. I'm not going in that human destroying machine"

"It's not that terrible. I use it all the time and I only got stuck once"

"And when was that Jean?"

"When I was with you"

"I'm telling you, I'm bad luck. I'm not going in there"

"Come on Wifey, it'll be okay, me and Han will be there too. It's just ten seconds"

"Ten seconds my ASS!!! No way, Nuh uh, I'm not getting in that thing"

"Why do you have to bring your gorgeous ass into this?"

"Peter, Jean is still here"

"Don't worry I know what he's thinking"

"Than don't get into my mind"

"It's just a habit"

"Hope you like what you read"

"Not at all"

"Then don't do it"

"I can't help it"

"How long have you been doing this"

"Since the beginning"

"You're disgusting"

"Says the guy that makes the thoughts"

"At least we can both say we saw Y/N naked"

"We can"

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