Chapter 54 - Drunk

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These are gonna be some small imagines with how you and Peter behave when you're drunk.

By the way this picture is too relatable


-It takes a lot of drinks to make him drunk

-He drinks very fast so he's drunk within 1 minute

-He will drunk-sing

-He starts hitting on you and you always play along

-Sometimes he'll walk out of the room, just to come back later wearing one of your dresses

-His favorite drink is tequila

-He will start making out with you like no one is in the room

-This makes everyone very awkward

-Peter suddenly becomes a pro in darts

-When he had too much drinks, he starts getting very emotional

-Like crying in a corner emotional

-He never has an actual reason to cry

-He says his eyes just wanna swim

-You always have to stop Peter from drinking too much, before he passes out

-Peter will run around the room at superspeed. Sometimes leaving a quick kiss on your cheek

-When you're not there, he starts flirting with Scott

-Scott and Peter become soulmates when they start drinking

-You can't break them up because they will attack you

-Peter gets very aggressive if you try to take away his tequila

-He starts telling everyone about his life story

-He tells you he wants to marry you

-And when you tell him you're already getting married, he'll do a victory dance

-When he wakes up the next morning he won't remember most of it

-He says his brain is about to explode

-You always give him some water while running your hand through his hair

-He loves it when you do this


-You get drunk very easily

-You'll start pretending you're Captain Jack Sparrow

-Mostly because you just love rum

-You can't stop drinking

-Almost every time you get drunk, you pass out and Peter or Scott (depends on who's less drunk) has to carry you to your bedroom while putting a glass of water on you night desk

-You gain a lot of confidence when you're drunk

-You'll start thinking you're the prettiest person alive (because your are)

-You suddenly become a genius in politics

-You tell everyone how Trump ruins everything and everyone

-You start to say you're gay (if you actually are, that's great!!)
[Oof, I wrote this before I came out of the closet as bisexual. This is just too funny to read back, since I already knew I was bisexual at that time]

-You actually made a 'I am gay' song

-You buy a lot of chicken nuggets

-You can't feel pain when you're drunk, so sometimes you wake up with cuts on your arms

-You start random pillow fights

-You and Jean were so drunk once, that you guys kissed

-Neither of you remembered so everyone just kept it a secret

-You start pretending like you're having a mental breakdown

-You never get emotional, just colder and more heartless. Less compassion

-You once told Scott you hated him

-The next morning the first thing you did was apologize

-He Just laughed, knowing how drunk you were

-You also become a pro in karate when you're drunk

-When you wake up, Peter runs you a warm bath

-He will pick you up bridal style and shower you with kisses

-Most of the times he joins you


Part 55 coming soon <3

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