Chapter 72 - Disney

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You were wrapped in a blanket burrito in the common room, as Han was sleeping on your feet. He was four years, so almost the entire couch was full of dog hair (if you're allergic just pretend you're not)

Peter and Diana were sitting next to you while the rest was sitting on a pillow fort on the floor.

We were watching Princess and the frog. Diana loved it, so did you and Ororo. You kept singing the songs. You were having a Disney marathon to teach Diana the important stuff in life. She was three now what meant that everything she learned now, she'll remember for the rest of her life. So just as well introduce her to Disney. You introduced her to Queen ever since she was one and played it everyday for her. She can talk already and can sing Bohemian Rhapsody entirely. You and Peter had never been so proud before

Princess and the frog was the fifth movie of the day. You had already seen Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella and the Little Mermaid. The five most important movies. You started watching at midnight so you could have an entire Disney day. Much to your surprise, Diana never fell asleep, she was just laughing and talking to the screen

"Mama, I don't have time for dancing. That's just gonna have to wait a while. Ain't got time for messing around, and it's not my style"

You got out of your blanket burrito and picked up Diana from Peter's arms.

"Sorry Peter, but Diana and I are gonna dance"

Diana stuck out her tongue to Peter and hugged your arm. You put her on the ground and held her hands, as you danced around in circles

"And I'm almost there, I'm almost there. The people down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care. Trials and tribulations, I know I've had my share. But there ain't nothing gonna stop me now 'cause I'm almost there"

Diana laughed and jumped a little. You kissed her forehead and started singing along

"I remember daddy told me, fairy tails can come true. But you gotta make 'em happen, it all depends on you. So I work real hard each and everyday. Things for sure are going my way. Just doing what I do, look out boys I'm coming through and I'm almost there"

Diana let go of your hand and ran towards Ororo.

"Auntie Ororo has to dance too!!"

Ororo laughed and stood up. Diana grabbed her hands and dragged her towards you. You took Ororo's hands and danced with her

"There's been trails and tribulations, you know I've had my share. But I've climbed a mountain and I've crossed a river and I'm almost there. I'm almost there. I'm aaaalmooost theeeeeeeereeeeeeeee!!!"

(Sorry for the long note xD)

Diana clapped

"I wish I could sing like mommy"

She said with a sad voice. You kneeled down so you were her hight now.

"Listen to me Diana, you can be whatever you wanna be. You will be the best singer ever!! And if anyone tells you you're not, just tell daddy and me and we will go over there and ki-"


Charles interrupted

"Tell then to never do it again or we will talk to their parents"

She laughed

"Okay mommy"

You kissed her forehead, picked her up and spun her around

"Mommy, I wanna be like Aurora!!"

"Why Princess?"

"Because she is so beautiful and she has three fairy friends"

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