Chapter 74 - Imagines 9

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Imagine 1:

Peter: I was put on this earth for one thing
You: Oh?
Peter: Yeah, luckily I forgot it so now I can do whatever I want

Imagine 2:

Ororo: Small animals are way more vicious. It's because their anger has less space to be bottled
Peter: That's ridiculous. Give me one example
You: Spiders
Jean: Wasps
Ororo: Terriers
Scott: Y/N

Imagine 3:

Peter: I wish you could block people in real life
Scott: Restraining order
You: Murder

Imagine 4:

Peter: I screwed up. Big time
Scott: Peter, given your daily experiences, you're going to have to be more specific

Imagine 5:

You: This is a bad idea
Jean: Yeah I know, but what other choice do we have
You: We can choose life

Imagine 6:

You: I've done a lot of dumb stuff
Jean: I witnessed the dumb stuff
Ororo: I recorded the dumb stuff
Peter: I joined the dumb stuff
Kurt: I prayed for you because of the dumb stuff
Scott: I pretended I didn't know you while you were doing dumb stuff

Imagine 7:

Charles: I'm going to have to ask you to be respectful here
You: And I will politely decline

Imagine 8:

Peter: This date is boring
You: This isn't a date, I was going to the supermarket
Peter: Them why did you ask me to come?
You: I specifically told you not to come with me but you said 'Fuck you Y/N, I can do whatever I want to do' and followed me here

Imagine 9:

Scott: Peter, have you seen my M&M's?
Peter, from across the room: No!!
Peter: *shoves M&M bag in his jacket*

Imagine 10:

You: Peter and I have that sort of chemistry where we finish each other's-
Peter: Sentences
You: Don't interrupt me

Imagine 11:

Scott: If I run towards Peter right now and jump towards him, he will most definitely catch me
You: I don't kn-
Scott: *runs towards Peter*
Peter: *drops coffee and catches Scott*

Imagine 12:

Peter: Y/N!! Scott and I are going to steal Charles' wheelchair and ride with it in front of his face
You: *well aware that Charles will kill them*
You: That's an horrible idea
You: Do it

Imagine 13:

Charles: How many hours do you even sleep. You always look so tired
You: Four hours
Charles: That's way to little! You need at least eight ho-
You: Per week

Imagine 14:

You: Goodmorning Scott. Would you like some coffee?
Scott: Yes, as dark and bitter as my soul
You: One vanilla latte with extra sugar coming right up

Imagine 15:

Scott: I suppose I can be a bit critical sometimes
You: 'I suppose?'
Jean: 'Sometimes?'
Peter: 'A bit?'

Imagine 16:

On the beach

Ororo: Look at all these cute couples here
Ororo: *grabs megaphone*
Ororo: Fifty percent of you guys wants a divorce!!!

Imagine 17:

In the car, on the way to the park

Jean: Hey
Jean: Since yesterday
You: Yeah that's great, look there's that hippie-fuck I was telling you about
You: *points towards park keeper outside*
Park keeper: Hi, welcome to the park. Thank you for bringing your fucking kids

Imagine 18:

Peter: Y/N can I have some milk
Diana: NO
Peter: I asked mo-
You: NO
Peter: What Why?
Diana: Because it's Taco Tuesday
You: Milk isn't Mexican. Now eat your Burritos
Peter: But-

Imagine 19:

In the park

Peter, trying to teach Diana something: This is a poison Ivy, they are extremely nutritious
Peter: *takes a bite of poison ivy*
Peter: *throws up*
Peter: I was incorrect

Imagine 20 (slightly offensive):

When you go camping

You, Jean and Scott: *putting up a tent*
Peter and Ororo: *unpacking everything*
Hank, Charles, Raven and Kurt: *checking for insects*
Erik: I have decided to spend four days in the wilderness to focus on my creative concentration
Erik, through a megaphone: Hurry up with my concentration camp!!

Imagine 21:

Scott: We have to get to the mansion and quick!!
You: Let me drive
Ororo: Why you
You: Because I have nothing to life for and I drive like it

Imagine 22:

Peter: It doesn't hurt so bad
Peter: The doctor said I'm bleeding internally
Peter: That's where the blood is supposed to be

Imagine 23:

Peter: Guys I wrote a song about how my life is going so far
Jean: Cool Let's hear it
Peter: *grabs guitar and starts playing some accords*

Imagine 24:

You: What Woman doesn't carry a knife everywhere?
Raven: A woman who uses other things like a weapon
Jean: Woman Who Are not prepared to kill everyone they see
Ororo: Every Woman that isn't named Y/N

Imagine 25:

Peter: Guys, we have to tell Diana what's important in life
Ororo: You are not less than any men on this planet. Always prove yourself and let those men be the dipshits that they are
Kurt: Always take care of your family and friends. When you need it, they will do the same for you
Hank: Don't hold back your curiosity. Learning new things can be extremely useful
Erik: Always prove yourself
Charles: Always talk for yourself
Raven: Take fight classes so you can defend yourself later
Scott: The more you weight, the harder you are to kidnap.
Scott: Stay safe, eat cake

Part 75 coming soon <3

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