Chapter 61 - Imagines 7

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That picture is honestly just my dumb ass but I thought I should just share it with you guys. I'm literally the clumsiest little shit to walk on this planet

Imagine 1:

Charles: Y/N, you're an adult now, you're married. You have to stop doing stupid stuff. Going out might help
You: I went to the park today
Charles: There you go! I hope you got something from that
You: *opens coat*
You: This duck

Imagine 2:

At McDonalds

Hank: Y/N, I'm not gonna order for you. You're old enough now.
You: *walks towards cash desk*
You: C-can I-I ha-have a 20 pack o-of chicken n-nuggets?

Imagine 3:

Scott: Let's test this. Who is the most antisocial?
Jean: I lock myself in my room at parties
Kurt: I disappear when people start talking to me
Peter: I put on my headphones and pretend I don't hear them
Ororo: I made a secret room in my closet where I hide when people try to introduce me to other people
You: I can isolate myself in my room for five years, never coming out, as long as I have good WiFi and food
Peter: .....
Jean: .....
Kurt: .....
Ororo: .....
Scott: Y/N wins

Imagine 4:

You: Hey Scott
You: Scott wake up
You: It's important
Red glasses dude❤️🕶: What is so important at 3 AM?!
You: What if Snape's name was Treverous
You: Get it?
You: Severus Treverous
Red glasses dude❤️🕶: .....
Red glasses dude❤️🕶: I hate you

Imagine 5:

You: Hey Peter, could you carry this for me?
Peter: Uh I don't know. I can barely handle the weight of my depression
You: Peter, pick up the damn grocery bags

Imagine 6:

Charles: Nothing in life is free
You: Life is free
Ororo: Adventure is free
Scott: Family is free
Jean: Knowledge is free
Kurt: Love is free
Peter: Everything is free if you run fast enough

Imagine 7:

You: *trying to climb onto the roof to do a backflip onto the trampoline*
Hank: *trying to stop you*
Peter: *cheering you on*
Ororo: *making a bet with Ororo wether you will hurt yourself or not*
Scott: *watching it happen while giving a tour to new mutants*
Scott: I need new friends

Imagine 8:

Hank, screaming loudly: I FIXED IT!!
You: Fixed what?
Hank: Everything
*loud explosion on the background*
Hank: Except that

Imagine 9:

You: Fight me!!
Scott: Look at your size! What are you gonna do? Kick my ankle

Some time later

Peter: Why is Scott crying on the ground
Jean: Y/N kicked him really hard on the ankle

Imagine 10:

Charles: Are you guys getting enough sleep?
Ororo: ......
Jean: ......
You: .....
Scott: .....
Kurt: ......
Peter: Sometimes when I sneeze, my eyes close

Imagine 11:

Peter: *puts hand on Scott's heart*
Peter: Much better

Imagine 12:

Peter, comforting a mutant kid: Don't worry kid, no one is perfect
You: *walks by*
Peter: One person is perfect

Imagine 13:

Scott: Well for one thing, you and Y/N are perfect together
Peter: I feel like there's gonna be more
Scott: You're both total shitheads
Peter: There it is

Imagine 14:

You: I poisoned one of our drinks
You: I just can't remember which
Peter: ......
Charles: .....
Ororo: .....
Jean: .....
Hank: .....
Scott: The way this dinner is going, I hope it's me

Imagine 15:

You: I don't have anger issues okay?!
Peter: Remember that time you got 19 chicken nuggets instead of 20?
Jean: And you jumped on the counter, grabbed their throat while screaming 'You McFucked up'?
Scott: And called her a McNobody?
You: Hehe, McNobody, classic

Imagine 16:

Peter: If someone dies in the living room, is it still 'living' room
You: Peter it's fucking 2 AM can you not?

Imagine 17:

Peter: Can I have a doughnut?
You: No
Peter: But you have twenty l-
You: *shoves three doughnuts in your mouth violently*
You, with a muffled voice: No

Imagine 18:

Kurt: Words ending with 'ie' are cute
Jean: Sweetie
Ororo: Cutie
Scott: Cookie
Peter: Twinkie
You: Die
Peter: Y/N nO

Imagine 19:

You: I need a five letter word for disappointment
Scott: Peter
Peter: Scott
Jean, from across the room: Ororo
Hank, from the hall: Raven
You: .......
You: Honestly, I don't even know why I like you guys

Imagine 20:

You: All tall people are the enemy
Peter: Well I couldn't see you hating from down there
You: Listen up you little shit
Peter: You're the little one here
You: *runs up to Peter and kicks his leg*

Imagine 21:

Peter, giving new mutants a tour: And there is-
Random mutant kid: Excuse me, but who is she and what is she doing
Peter: That's my wife Y/N, and she's....
Peter: She's wat- oh no wait, she is sitting with her legs crossed
Peter: She's judging you

Imagine 22:

You: *breaks pencil*
Peter: It's not dead it's just a-
Jean: She's not wrong, I can sense that he's dead
Phone: 911 what's your emergency?
Jean: Yes Hello? I just witnessed a pencil homicide
You: *still crying*
Peter, signing: Oh my god

Imagine 23:

You: *coughs violently*
Peter: Don't die
You: You don't tell me what to do

Imagine 24:

Peter: If Han sees police dogs will he be like 'shit it's the cops'
You: If life is unfair to everyone, does that make life fair
Scott: If 2 vegans are arguing, is it still called 'beef'
Jean: If you were born deaf, in what language do you think
Kurt: The brain named itself
Ororo: If you remember something you forgot, did you actually forget it
You: So many questions
Jean: So little answers
Hank, walking in: What the fuck

Imagine 25:

Peter, doing CPR on you: Please don't go. I love you!
You, doing CPR on Peter: Wake up shithead, you owe me ten dollars

Part 62 coming soon <3

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