Chapter 15 - Disney contest

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"Peter, can you please give it back?"

"You'll get your homework back, when you decide to spend some time with us again Y/N"

"Okay, I'll spend more time with you guys. Can I now have my books back?"

"You didn't convince me"

"How should I convince you?"

"Promise it"

"Fine, I promise to spend more time with you guys"


"To-what no! I have a very important test tomorrow!"

"You learned enough"

"Peter pleaseeeee"



"Still not happening"

He walks out of your room with your books


"Nope, come get them!!"

You runned towards Peter and wrapped his arms around him from behind

"What do you think will happen with this?"

"I'm trying to stop you"

"Baby, first of all, you're shorter than all of us, second of all, you're as light as can be. You're not stopping me"

"Watch me"

You climbed on his back and tried reaching for the books.


"Hehe, you're not getting them"

"Peter pleaasseeee"

"What is going on here?"

Raven asked as she walked in

"Y/N keeps making her homework and she forgets us"

"I promised to spend more time with them, but I have a very important test tomorrow"

"Y/N, we all know that you spend the entire morning learning. You had enough"

"Are you against me Raven?"


She grabbed the book out of Peter's hands and ran away


You were gonna let go, but Peter held on to your arms.

"Now you'll have to spend some time with us"

You sighed

"Fine, but not too long"

"We'll see"

Time skip brought to you by some of Peters hoodies


Ororo yelled

"I told you I could do it!"

He putted you down on the couch. You immediately tried running away but Peter lifted you up bridal style.

"No escaping"

He sat down on the couch and rested you on his lap, still not letting you go

"Okay Y/N, since you like Disney, and we all do, we decided to do a Disney contest. There are two teams. Person per person we're singing a song line of a Disney movie. If one person doesn't know one within five seconds, the other team wins."

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