Chapter 18 - Hurt

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This chapter is gonna be short scenes of what happens with Peter in the time you're knocked out. Yes it's gonna be heartbreaking and I'm very sorry
(Btw this is all in Peter's P.O.V)

The same day:


"Peter eat something"

Jean said

"I'm not really hungry"

"Is it because of Y/N? She'll wake up, I promise"

"I said I'm not really hungry!!"

You yelled while standing up and running back to your room. Tears threatening to spill


It was midnight but you just couldn't fall asleep. You were worried sick about Y/N. You felt like it was all your fault. That you should've been there earlier. You just wanted to forget it but you couldn't.

That night you couldn't sleep at all. The guilt kept washing over you, and tears kept walking down your cheeks

Day one:


You were sitting in your room. Everyone was already in the garden, probably already forgetting Y/N. Then you heard a soft knock on your door

"Go away"

You said, trying to stop the sobs

"Peter, it's me"

You heard Jean on the other side, you could hear her voice vibrating. She had probably been crying too

You opened the door and Jean immediately flew in your arms. You were shocked for a while but them wrapped your arms around her. You heard Jean crying

"I can't lie, I miss her so much"

Your eyes became watery again.

"I've known her ever since I came here and now she's not jumping here and it just feels-"


You finished her sentence since she broke down crying again.



Jean and you were sitting in your room. She hasn't left yet since she didn't want people to see her like this. Judging by looking at her eyes, you could see she also didn't sleep last night. Her hair was messy and she constantly broke down crying.

You didn't look any better. You had dark circles under your eyes and your hair too, was very messy.

Then someone, again, knocked on your door


You said

"Dinner's ready"

You heard Scott saying. You looked at Jean and she shook her head no

"We're not hungry"

Scott decided not to argue with that

"If you do decide to come, feel free to join"

Day two:


You, again, had no sleep last night. The thought of Y/N dying was stuck inside your head. God you hated this


Jean ran into the room without knocking. She still looked the same as yesterday, only the circles under her eyes were deeper.


"Is Y/N up?!"

You asked, full of hope

", but we can at least see her now"

I sighed, it's better than nothing


I was sitting next to Y/N. She was still knock out. Hank said she would wake up somewhere this week, but it was monday, so that could take a while.

Jean walked in with a small paper, tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you remember what Y/N told you? About her mom?"


"Remember that song she wrote for her?"


"I found it, it's....beautiful. It's not very long, but it's so so beautiful"

She said inbetween sobs

She handed me the paper and I started reading quietly (don't judge what it says okay, I'm not a natural)

before you go
I want to tell you,
how grateful I am to have you,
how much I'll miss you when you're gone.
Before you go
I want to ask you,
will they help you,
will they take care of you,
By the time I can't anymore

I just want to tell you,
while I still can tell you,
that I loved you so damn much that I can barely live without you.

But I know that I will have to say goodbye eventually,
and that I have to let you go,
that I will have to continue life without you.

It's a pain that I will have to bear,
but I promise,
yes I promise,
that I will never forget about you.

By the time I finished I had tears in my eyes. I layed the paper down on the table next to me and grabbed Y/N's hand.

"And I will not forget you"

Day 3:


It has been three days without eating or sleeping. Jean and I had grown closer since we both missed Y/N a lot. We tried to cheer each other up, but failed everytime. There was only one ray of sunshine: Our Y/N


I was laying in bed again. Although I couldn't sleep, I tried every night. I missed Y/N. I missed her laying next to me. I missed how she wrapped her arms around my torso and snuggled her head in the crook of my neck while I showered her with kisses. I missed how her hair draped over the pillows and my face. Sure it was annoying, but I missed it now. I missed waking up, seeing her asleep, softly snorring, while her beautiful face relaxed. I missed her scent and her soft touch.

'When will she wake up?!'

Chapter 19 coming soon <3

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