Regaining Lost Memorys

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Moans loudly, "Okay". Jesse was scared, continues to suck on them. "now what" walking to the pack, Jaden smiles not noticing his eyes were different colors walking to Jesse. Moans and arches up, "I don't know". Jesse backs up still scared, goes lower. "could cuddle", "Jesse" tries to get closer. Blushes moaning, "Okay". Keeps backing up slowly still scared of him, strips his pants and slowly enters. Lays on the bed, "why are you backing away". Moans loudly, lays down next to him. "Y-your e-eyes", fully enters "want me to move". Snuggles to him, thinks then grabs Jesse's shirt kissing him. "Yes" nods moaning, Hold him. Jesse was surprise but slowly kissed him back, thrust slowly in. Purrs, his eyes changed back. Moans, smiles and nuzzles him.

Clams down, goes a little faster. Purrs louder as the baby kicked, pulls away. Moans louder, smiles and rubs his belly. Looks at him, starts going faster. Purrs falling asleep, "better". Moans louder, smiles. "Yeah", moans ramming him. "I'm tired" rubbing his eyes, screams and arches clawing his back. "Okay", moans continuing. Walks back home, Keeps screaming. Follows, "I'm close". Gets back home falls onto the bed, "Me too". Lays down next to him, cums deep in him. Snuggles to him, cried out and cums all over them. Holds him, "feel better now". Purrs into his chest, "Yes". Smiles, smiles and lays his head on his stomach. Jaden consciously rubbed his belly smiling and purring happily, smiles and kissed his forehead. The twins moved and kick, Jesse smiles and put his hand on his belly.

Bruno leans to the touch "mommy and daddy can't wait to see you" rubbing yusei's belly, "hey Jess" Jaden asked. Giggles and smiles watching him, the twins kicked. "Yea?" Jesse asked, nuzzles more. "how many do you think we'll have" looking at his belly, nuzzles more. "how many do you think we'll have" looking at his belly, purrs. "Maybe 2 or 3", purrs with him. "they'll be adorable" smiling, Yusei giggles. "Yes they will be", "your cute". lifts his shirt "hello little ones", "Nuh". Rubs his belly before kissing his belly, "I'm always up for another tickle fight" smirking. Squeaks but smiles, "Your on" blushes. Smiles back, tackles him and tickles him. "wonder how many haou will have, maybe go ask the doctor how many", squeaks and laughs. 

"Yeah", laughs along with him. "we set an appointment up tomorrow", laughs. "Okay", continues to tickle him. "get a room you two" crow laughed, "Yay!". Keeps laughing and glares at him "No". Jack rolls his eyes, Laughed. Bruno continues, Crows mood swings kicked in and he growls. "now I'm bored, lets go bug Haou and Johan", Yusei keeps laughing. Jack looks and gulps, "Sounds like a plan". Crow cracked his knuckles and joins the play fight, Bruno not noticing crow. Jaden gets up and goes to their brothers, Yusei looks at him and gulps "Bruno". Jack grabs him, Jesse follows him. Goes into his wolf form and hovers over yusei growling just being a protective mate, not going to hurt crow, Crow struggles and growls. 

"wanna do it on three", gulps and whines. Jack keeps holding him back, "Yep". Crow bites jack and launches, Bruno lightly pins crow on his back not hurting him. "1...2...3!!!" jumping on the bed, Haou screams and falls off the bed. Backs up scared, Jack hisses. Jesse laughs, Johan catches him. Crow growls and bites Bruno's neck, yelps holding the spot. Kicks him off pissed, "JADEN" growling grabbing him and spanked his butt. "BRO I'M SORRY" whining, watches scared "BRUNO! ". Jack growls, Jesse whines. Johan sighs, "I'm fine". "damn bitch" tackling Bruno still in his mood swings throwing punches, blocks the best he can. Haou smirks and kisses the spot letting him go, Jaden crawls away. 

Slowly stands up and goes over to Crow and pins him to the tree "ENOUGH CROW", Jack watches. Jesse picks him up, Johan blushes. "you better back away if you want to keep them" growling, Bruno scared at crows threat. "what its normal for us" Haou smirked, "unless you two liked it" Jaden smirked. "No you need to snap out of it" growls, Jack gulps. "Y-yep", Jesse nods. Growls back getting ready to kick, "Jack kiss you mate to calm him before yusei loses the twins". Haou pins Jaden down and licks his neck, Jaden purrs. Keeps him pin to the tree, "But he is scary like this". Jesse and Johan watches, Crow growls getting ready to kick yusei in the stomach.

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