I Miss You/Pups Birth

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Ursa sneaks out of her room and goes to the room that had her's and Lil's babies and smiles, Stardust was curled around Lil. Ursa cries missing Lil, Stardust stays curled Lil. Ursa stays outside Lil's room and sits on the floor curling into a ball crying still but not loud, Yusei walks to the hospital. Stardust keeps sleeping, Bruno follows. "babe please wake up, I miss you" Ursa choked, Yusei walks on. Lil groans, Bruno keeps following. Ursa holds a gift she wants to give Lil, Yusei goes over to Ursa "sweetie what wrong". Lil opens her eyes, "Star restricted me from seeing Lil but I miss her" Ursa cries louder holding the gift tighter. Bruno hugs her rubbing her back, "I know sweetie, I'll talk to him" Yusei kissed her forehead. 

Stardust keeps sleeping, Ursa nods crying still "he's mad at me because she was young and a dragon to give birth". Bruno rocks her. Yusei nods "I'll talk to him about that", Lil looks around. "I would die before anything happens to Lil and our kids" Ursa yelled, Bruno rubbed her back. "Shhh I know sweetie" Yusei kissed her forehead, Ursa leans to the touch. Yusei nuzzles her "let's all go in and talk", Ursa nods getting up and opening the door. Yusei slowly gets up, Ursa looks at Lil and smiles. "how you feeling"Bruno gets up, Lil looks at her and smiles softly. "better"Yusei stretches, Ursa walks close to her and kiss her lips and the bite on her arm could be seen. 

Bruno smiles, Lil kissed back and looks "my mom did that didn't he". Yusei leans against him, Ursa ears went down and nods "he's mad at me after he saw you after the birth and said he never wanted to see me near you again". Bruno holds him, Lil sighs. Yusei smiles,  "the kids are beautiful" Ursa smiles nuzzling her. Bruno smiles back, "I'm glad". Yusei kissed his cheek, Ursa picks the triples up and going back to Lil. Bruno purrs, Lil smiles. "Let's go", Ursa smiles back handing two of them to her. Bruno nods, Lil holds them. Yusei smiles and walks in, "you have names for them" Ursa rocks the third one. Bruno follows, "Yeah I do" Lil nuzzles them. Yusei stops next to the wall, "I love to hear it" Ursa nuzzles her. 

Bruno stood next to him,  "Okay" Lil purrs. Yusei watches, Stardust opens his eyes. Ursa smiles but fades and starts shaking seeing Stardust waking up, Bruno watches. Stardust wakes up and growls, Lil gulps. Yusei watches, a growl was rising in Ursa's throat. Bruno stayed alert, Stardust growls more. Lil starts to shake, Yusei goes over. "I'll protect my family even from you if I have to" Ursa pulls Lil and their cubs close, Bruno watches. "No you aren't going near them" Stardust pulls them near him, Yusei watches. Ursa backs away with Lil and the cubs, Bruno stays out of it remembering last time when he threatened Stardust. Stardust growls, "Stardust enough". Ursa stays protective over her family, Stardust growls more. 

Bruno was close to snapping, Ursa nuzzles Lil and the three cubs. "STARDUST STOP", Stardust stops. Bruno calms down, Ursa looks at Stardust. Yusei growls "stardust lay down now", Stardust whimpers and lays down. "babe deep breaths" Bruno rubs his belly, "lets talk calmly" Ursa said. Yusei growls ignoring him "that's enough Stardust you need to knock it off. Ursa has the right to see her! She is the father so you stop threatening her right now!", Stardust whines. Bruno blinks, Ursa felt bad for Star. Bruno blinks, Ursa felt bad for Star. Bruno goes to open his mouth but nothing came out, Ursa sets Lil down. Yusei growls and holding his stomach hissing, Lil runs to her mother. 

Bruno rubs more "is it time", Ursa watches. Yusei nods hissing and started to breath fast, Crow was in the nursery getting ready for the pups arrival then he starts whimpering when his water breaks breathing fast and holding his stomach. Bruno rushes yusei to give birth, The doctors get him ready. Yusei whimpers as his water breaks and keeps breathing fast and biting his lip. Jack was holding his hand, Bruno held his hand. Crow whimpers louder leaning against the wall feeling the first one "JACK", Yusei screams out in pain. Jack rubs his hand "push the doctors are ready", Bruno kissed his hand. Crow screams and was already pushing, Yusei pants and screams again "BRUNO!". 

Jack kissed his forehead, "keep pushing" Bruno kissed his hand. Crow hears the first cries, Yusei keeps pushing and screaming. Jack smile, Bruno smiles. Crow pushes more, Yusei hears the first cries. Jack nuzzles him, "you got this" Bruno smiles. Crow pushes the other three babies out but blacks out before he could push the fifth baby out, Yusei pushes again screaming. Jack eyes widened "doctors do whatever to get him to wake up", Bruno smiles. The doctors put an oxygen mask on Crow and gives him medicine, Crow doesn't respond. Yusei pushes two more before blacking out without pushing the other two out, Jack starts to get worry. "please help" Bruno looks to the doctors, Crow's tail wraps his tail. 

The doctors nods and put a mask on him and gave him some meds, Yusei slowly loses conscious. Jack looks at him, Bruno starts whimpering. Crow's body pushes the last baby out and Crow wakes up, the doctor get ready for a C section. Yusei remains unconscious, Jack looks and wags his tail. Bruno whimpers more, Crow smiles weakly. The doctors do a C section on him and starts to look for the three babies, Yusei stays unconscious. Jack nuzzles him, Bruno starts worrying. Crow purrs "how are to pups", the doctors find the two of them then looks for the last one. Yusei remains unconscious, Jack smiles "they are good", Bruno holds his hand "please babe stay with me". 

Crow purrs "that's good, can I see them", the doctors find the baby and closes him back up before looking at him. Yusei remains unconscious, Jack nods. "thank you" Bruno thanked them and nuzzles yusei, Crow smiles. The doctors nods, Yusei just lays there. Jack grabs them gently and brings them over, Bruno gently crawls in the bed and snuggles to him. Crow moved over to leave room for the pups and Jack. Yusei remains unconscious, Jack gets in the bed. Tears start falling from Bruno eyes, Crow goes to his cat form feeding the pups. After about an hour Yusei slowly woke up and groans, Jack nuzzles him. Bruno didn't hear as he held yusei close crying and whimpering softly into his neck, Crow wanted a kiss but his shortness made it a little harder.

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