Ursa's a Father

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Crow licks they're heads, Yusei smiles back "okay". Lil watches before putting her clothes on, Jack smiles. Jaden kept running, Ursa kept running after him. Bruno saw Jaden and Ursa, Crow kept feeding the pups. Jackson and Jacklyn finished and look at their father with a challenging look, Lil walks out. Yusei watches, Jack looks back at them and narrowed his eyes at them. "I'm sorry" Jaden ran but tripped, Ursa hovered over him "never come in on me and my pregnant girlfriends fun" growling then realized what she said and covered her mouth. 

Crow giggled, Jackson and Jacklyn growls attacking his tail. Lil looks at the ground, "You what Ursa". Jack growls and moves his tail, Ursa looked down wrapping her arms around Lil. Bruno blinked, they followed it. "aww cute" Crow giggled, Lil keeps looking at the ground. Yusei sighs, Jack pouts "no its not, when they get bigger they will challenge me for my alpha spot". Ursa looks at her mother "you won't make her get rid of the baby right", "no, their training so they can protect their packs when they get older and form a pack" Crow told him.

Yusei shook his head "that's not my choice only her parents", "No". Ursa growls holding her close, "no what babe" Crow looked at him. Jackson and Jacklyn kept attacking their fathers tail, Yusei sighs. "No they are going to attack me when they are older", Ursa nuzzles Lil. Crow rolled his eyes "Jackson, Jacklyn play nice", they nod. Lil purrs, Jack nods. "now what since Jaden ruined it" Ursa rubbed her belly, Jackson and Jacklyn crouch down in a hunting position watching and waiting for anything that might move. "Please calm down" Lil purrs, Jack moves his tail a little. "for you babe anything" Ursa kissed her cheek, Jackson eyes shot to the movement.

Jacklyn almost didn't see it, Lil smiles. Jack moves his tail again, Ursa smiled. Jackson ran attacked, Jacklyn ran but her vision went blurry and tripped. Lil smiles back, Jack loons over. "wanna snuggle" Ursa held her close, Jacklyn's vision went black and she looks around. "Sure", "Crow I think Jacklyn going blind", picks her up and walks to her room. Crow's eyes whined "lyn", she turned her head the opposite direction over her mother. Lil hangs onto her, Jack stands up "Lyn do you know where mommy is". Ursa laid her in the bed and snuggle her, Lyn shakes her head. Lil snuggles her back, "Do you know where I am". Ursa pulls her close dozing off, Lyn shook her head again.

Lil slowly falls asleep, Jack walks over to her "Crow she is blind". Crow started crying, Lyn walked forward bumping into her fathers leg, she sniffed "daddy". Jack nuzzles her and licks her cheek "maybe Yusei or the doctors might know how to help her", Lyn nuzzles back. Crow nods "lets go", Jack gently picks her up. Lyn snuggles to her father, "Houa watch your siblings" Crow called. Haou walk in and sat with them, Jack waits for him. Johan was watching their kids, Crow grabs Jacks hand walking to yusei's den. Haou played with the pups, Crow grabs Jacks hand walking to yusei's den. Haou played with the pups, they walk into the den. Lyn wanted down when they got in the den, Yusei had dozes off. 

Jack sets her down, Lyn walks and bumped into someone's leg she sniffs them "aunwie Yuswei". Crow chuckled, Yusei opens his eyes and looks down and smiles picking her up "hey Lyn". Jack smiles "hey guys, hope we aren't interrupting something", "no we were watching the twins" Bruno smiled. "uncle Bruno" Lyn looked for him, "Okay that good" Jack smiles back. "So what up" Yusei looks at him, Lyn got down and bumped into the side table not seeing it. "Lyn went blind somehow" Crow was worried, Yusei nods "Lyn can you come over here please". "Yea", Lyn tried finding him. Crow turned her around "walk forward aunt yusei will pick you up", Lyn walked forward. 

"That's it follow my voice", she walked more getting close to him. He picks her up once she was close to him, Lyn snuggles him, Yusei smiles "let me see your eyes". Lyn looks up, Yusei looks at her eyes. Crow was getting worried, Yusei sighs "she is blind". "we know that" Crow almost snapped, "Okay, okay". Lyn was confused, "sorry"."I think I can help her regain her eyesight", Crow nods. Yusei sighs "but" "but" "But there might be a downside to these" "what's the downside" "Me" "If I do this I may or may not fall into a coma since this requires a lot of my energy" "are you sure you want to" "I'm will to do it for you guys, you guys help me before so this is my way to thank you guys". 

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