Crow's A Vampire Cat Hybrid

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Jack smiles, Crow smiles at him then shot up looking for Jack "Jackie". Bruno looks to Jack, Jack chuckles "I'm right here". Yusei pinned his ears back and hides under the covers again, Crow smiles then looks at Yusei "you need to face your fears, no one is going to hurt you, I have fears but its embarrassing to talk about". Bruno pins his ears down and whines want him accept Jacks apology, Jack looks at Yusei "Yusei please". Yusei starts to shake "no go away", Crow was about to snap his eyes were changing between red and gray "I'm trying to help you". Bruno whines at Crows changing eyes, Jack put his hand on Crow shoulder "babe its fine, I deserve it". Yusei whimpers getting more scared, Crow notice his eyes changing and had fear all over his face starting to get scared of his vampire side and ran out at vampire like speed.

Bruno was shocked and look at Jack, Jack eyes widened. Yusei peaks but doesn't come out knowing that vampires can catch other vampires and hides under the covers again, "umm who want to catch him" Bruno asked. Crow runs to the forest only to be surrounded by vampire hunters he didn't know his mind link was open to all three in the hospital room as he growls at the hunters, Yusei gets it and quickly gets out of the bed and runs to Crow using his vampire speed. Jack was shocked, Bruno goes into his large wolf form running. The hunters shackle Crow as he growls attacking some while shackled, Yusei hisses and attacks the hunter before ripping the shackles off Crow.

Jack runs after him, Crow was starting to feel hungry and bares his fangs. Bruno runs faster, Yusei looks at him "Crow don't". Jack runs faster, Crow growls at him and grabs a hunter pulling his head to the side. Bruno stops seeing them, Yusei growls pulling Crow away "Crow stop". Jack watches, Crow was new to this not knowing where to get blood and growls at him as his ears, tail, claws and wings came out. Bruno watched with Jack, Yusei pins him to a tree and holds him since he was stronger "Crow listens to me calm down". Jack takes a step forward, Crow struggles and tries biting Yusei's neck. Bruno watched Jack "better go slow some hybrids that had their vampire side locked away can be dangerous", Yusei keeps holding him and uses his powers to protect himself before glancing over "don't come over that will only make this worse just stay there". 

Jack stops, Crow growls starting to feel weak for not having blood in his system but still struggles. Bruno pulls Jack back "he knows what he's doing", Yusei looks at him and bites his wrist to give him some blood and puts it over his mouth. "But" Jack looks at him, Crow purrs suckling and calms down. "Yusei is the only one who can help Crow with his vampire side" Bruno said, Yusei pulls his wrist away and licks his wound healing it before looking at him "Crow you need to control your vampire side". "Why only him" Jack asked, Crow shook his head "what happen". "because we don't know any vampires around here" Bruno rolled his eyes, Yusei looks at him "you lost control of your vampire side". 

"Yusei a vampire" Jack told him, Crow starts shaking afraid as tears fell. "he's the only vampire we know" Bruno sighs, Yusei hugs him "Crow me and you need to go somewhere where you can't hurt people till you control your vampire side". "Oh" Jack nods, "f-for how long" Crow hugs back. Bruno looks to Yusei and Crow, Jackson was running in a field of flowers looking graceful not knowing someone might be watching him. "I don't know, until you can control it" Yusei kissed his forehead, Jack watches. Jay was eating with his heard before wondering away, Crow purrs nodding. Bruno watches, Jackson pokes his head out of the flowers some where in his fur still. 

"You going to be okay with that" Yusei looks at him, Jack sighs. Jay looks around as he walks, Crow looks at Jack "yes because I don't want to hurt Jack or my family". Bruno looks at Jack "you ok", Jackson goes under the flowers again until he bumps into something or someone "ow". Jack nods, Yusei nods "okay, let's go and tell Bruno and Jack". Jay falls down "ow", Crow slowly nods. Bruno pins his ears down, Jackson was on top of Jay he opens his eyes his nose was touching his and starts blushing "I-I'm s-so sorry". Yusei walks over to them, Jack pins his ears down. Jay blushes and was scared "i-its f-fine", Crow pins his ears down "J-Jackie, I have to go with Yusei to control my vampire side". 

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