Crow's brother/ Fighting Darker Self

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Jaden was walking around and saw an unconscious injured teen with white hair and ran to him, the unconscious teen just lays there. "hey are you ok" Jaden looks at the wound, the teen doesn't respond. Jaden checks his pulse, breathing and heartbeat, the teen had a pulse, breathing and heartbeat. Jaden looks for serious wounds on the male, the male just lays there with one serious wound on his chest. Jaden takes the boys shirt off and cleans the wound taking out a medical needle and thread sewing the wound closed, the male lays there. Jaden got done and drags the boy home, the male groans but remains unconscious. "we're almost at my house" Jaden dragged him in the den and goes to a spare bedroom laying him down and sits on the bed, Jesse was playing with the pups.

The male lays there, Jaden laid a wet cloth on his head leaving the room going to his mate and pups. Jesse was pinned down by the pups, Jaden giggles seeing the pups tackling their father. Jesse pretends to play dead, the pups sniff their father. Jaden laughs, Juro jumps on Jesse's chest, Kane jumped on Jesse's stomach, Jakob jumps on Jesse's crotch. Jaden covered his mouth to contain laughter, Jesse shot open his eyes and groans "ouch we don't jump there" he holds his crotch. "I'll make it feel better later" Jaden laughed, Jakob left to go play with Moon and Night. Jesse nods "you better", the pups left to play with their cousins. Jaden smirked rubbing Jesse's hurt pride, Jesse blushes and groans. 

Jaden puts pressure on it, Jesse groans and closes his eyes. Jaden striped Jesse's pants rubbing his clothed member, Jesse moans and blushes. Jaden rubbed harder, Jesse moans louder. Jaden rubbed lower, Jesse moans louder blushing. Jaden put pressure on Jesse's hole through his underwear, Jesse arches and moans. Jaden smirks licking his entrance, Jesse moans and looks at him. "your so fun to tease" Jaden smirks, "Shh it" Jesse bushes. Jaden smirks moving his boxers, Jesse blushes more. Jaden kisses Jesse's pelvic and inner thighs, Jesse moans as his legs twitched. Jaden plays with Jesse's hole while licking his member, Jesse moans loudly. Jaden sucked him off while teasing his hole, Jesse moans. 

Jaden continued, Jesse moans louder. Jaden continues and sticks his finger in, Jesse moans arching. Jaden deepthroated and pressed his sweet spot, Jesse cries out and arches. Jaden continues, Jesse keeps crying out. Jaden continues his actions, Jesse cries out and comes without warning. Jaden swallows it all "better" he panted, Jesse nods. Jaden smiles, Jesse smiles back. Jaden purrs, Jesse purrs back. Jaden snuggles him, Jesse holds him. Jaden purrs louder, Jesse nuzzles him. Jaden nuzzles back, Jesse purrs. Jaden purrs, Jesse smiles. "I need to check on a patient" Jaden purred, "Okay". Jaden gets up and goes to the spare bedroom, Jesse watches. 

Jaden opens the door, the male groans and rubs his head. "good your awake what happened to you" Jaden checks his wound, "No I don't" "you should go see my mom so he can look you over" Jaden smiled. "Okay, who's your mom" "Crow Hogan" "Crow Hogan?"Jaden nods showing him a picture of Crow, Zack eyes widened. "you know him" Jaden cocked his head, "Yeah" Zack nods. "who is he to you" Jaden asked, "Um" Zack looks away. Jaden grabs Zack's. 34qlling him out of the den "go find him", Crow was watching his pups. Zack goes over to him "Crow", Crow looked and his eyes widen "Zack is that you". Zack nods "yep its me" "I thought I lost you years ago" tears forming, "My parents made me leave, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you" Looks at him. 

"I'm just glad your safe" Crow smiled, "Me too" Zack smiles back. Crow purrs,  Zack purrs wagging his tail, Zack purrs wagging his tail. Crow purrs louder "how have you been", Zack shrugs "I've been okay". Crow purrs "that's good", Zack nods "what about you". "going to get married, have quintuples, older twins, and more pups coming" Crow rubbed his belly, "really wow, who the lucky mate" Zack wags his tail. "Jack Atlas" Crow blushed smiling, "The Jack Atlas" Zack eyes widened. "yep" Crow smiles, "ok" Crow smiles. "Wow" "wanna see the pups" "Yes". Crow lead Zack to his five pups. Zack follows him, Crow stopped seeing the pups. Lyn stood in front of her siblings and barked at Zack, Zack wags his tail "their soo cute". 

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