Young Parent's

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Jesse smells it and looks at him "Jaden are you pregnant", "Okay". "maybe" he said, Bruno heard and his eyes widen "what your both 10, how". He smiles grabs Jacks hands and walks back, looks away wrapping his arms around Jaden. "Jesse, Jaden" Yusei crossed his arm, holds his hand back and follows. Jaden holds him back, "I'm a grandpa this young" he fainted. Gets back the others "um what happened", Jesse gets scared. "Bruno, Bruno, please wake up, Jaden might be pregnant" "What?! JADEN! JESSE!" "I'm to young for this" waking up, Jaden starts backing away slowly growling fearing they'll make him get rid of the baby. "Jaden baby" "Hey your going to be a father and grandpa" nuzzles him, Jesse stays near Jaden. Jack sighs.

Bruno faints again when he said grandpa, Jaden held his stomach protectively. "well I knew this was going to happen" Crow smiled glad to be a grandma, "Bruno, please wake up". Jesse holds him, Jack crossed his arms. He wakes up again, Crow walks to them and hugged them "hi little one it's your grandma" nuzzling his sons belly. Jaden looks to his father worried, Yusei sighs in relief. Jesse was surprise, Jack looks back at him "fine". "I told you that you would find someone soon" Bruno hugged his son, Jaden purred and grabbed Jesse by the shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Crow chuckled, "looks like I'm an uncle" Haou said as he looks like he's two months ahead of Jaden. 

Yusei nods smiling, Jesse blushes and kissed him back. Jack looks at Haou "what happen to you mister", Johan stops next to him. "well let's get the ones that are pregnant settled in", Crow nods. "looks like I'm an uncle too" Jaden said pulling back, "the same as Jay but two months ahead of him" he said as the baby did it's first kick "Johan!" grabbing his hand and setting where its active. Nods before hissing and holds his side, Jack sighs "great, now we have 4 people that are pregnant great". Jesse nods, "What Haou". Picks him up, "yay" Jaden jumped. "what's wrong with that" Crow put a hand on his hip, the baby kicked Johan's hand. Lays his head on his shoulder, Jesse chuckles. 

"Um nothing I'm just not sure if my pack will want that", Johan smiles and kissed his belly "hey little one". "rest and regain your strength", Jaden and Haou had the deadliest glare for a 10 year old. Crow blinked "never hurts to try", "Okay". Jesse and Johan gulps, Jack glares back. Bruno kisses his head, the twins stop death glaring Jack and smiled hugging their mates. "well let's go anyway" grabbing Jack's hand and dragging him back to the pack, smiles. The twins hug back, Jack pouts. Bruno follows crow, Jaden and Haou follow their mother. Crow leads the way, Yusei yawns before hissing. Jesse and Johan follows their mates, Jack keeps pouting. He puts his hand on the wound to heal it, crow finally lead them to the pack.

Jaden and Haou looked at some of the wolves, Hisses and whimpers. Jack shifts to his wolf form and howls, Jesse and Johan holds them close. His hand started glowing healing the wound, Ben and others ran over. They stayed close, the twins kick. He whimpers and closes his eyes, Jack stops. Jesse and Johan shakes, "babe" "yeah" he didn't want to stop healing him, "hey doc didn't know you already had pups their cute" ben said. "the twins are kicking more" whimpering, "No he is still pregnant, there are our other twins". The twins nod, "they're excited about something", "ok, we better keep an eye on then ". They snuggle closed, rubs his belly to try to calm them down. Jack nods "are there any left over dens" "maybe", they felt tired. 

Smiles before looking at the twins "we better put them down", Jack looks and nods. Johan smiles, nods setting him down. "let's put you four to bed", leans against him. The twins nods, Jack gently picks them up. Crow followed jack, "can you walk". Jack walks to one of the dens, "I think so". Bruno picks him up, Yusei hangs onto him. They get to the den, Jaden and haou snuggle to their mates. Crow and Bruno smiles, Jack smiles and covers them up, Jesse and Johan holds them. Yusei smiles before looking outside and gets down from Bruno arms and walks outside and goes to the edge of the forest, Bruno follows to make sure nothing happens to him. 

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