Hot Springs

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Crow walks to work and felt the pups kicking hard and rubs his belly, Jack was walking with him. Yusei at the hospital getting check with Bruno, Crow flinches feeling the pups kick hard. Bruno smiles, Jack glances at him "you okay babe". Yusei smiles, the doctor smiles "everythings looks normal, still be careful". "the pups are kicking hard" Crow bite his lip pinning his ears as the pups kicks harder, Bruno nods and kisses Yusei's cheek. Jack rubs his belly, Yusei smiles. The doctor closes his folder "your one of the kind Yusei, your heart is really special", Crow purrs then pins his ears feeling his water break and looks at Jack. "what about Yusa, his twin sister" Bruno thinks, Jack picks her up and runs to the hospital. 

"Her heart is normally" The doctor looks at them, Crow whines in pain. "that's weird but ok" Bruno shrugs, Jack keeps running. The doctor nods "you guys are free to go", Yusei nods "thanks Doctor". Crow cries "their coming Jackie", Bruno smiles "thanks doc". Jack runs faster, Yusei smiles and gets up feeling the pups kick "babe". Crow whimpers, Bruno's eyes widen and placed his hand on Yusei's belly. Jack runs into the hospital, Yusei purrs as the pups kick where their fathers hand was at. Crow faints from the pain, Bruno purrs and nuzzles his belly. Jack runs to a nurse, Yusei purrs smiling. "yes" the nurse looks at him, Bruno smiles. "My mate is in labor" Jack said, Yusei smiles back. 

The nurse told Jack the room to go to and the doctor will be there, Bruno smiles "I can smell Jack and Crow". Jack nods and ran to the room, Yusei smiles "Crow must be having his litter". Crow whines, Bruno nods and felt sick to his stomach and covered his mouth running to the bathroom. Jack nuzzles him "its okay babe", Yusei runs after him. Crow nods whines as he felt like pushing, Bruno starts throwing up. Jack holds his hand "wait a little longer", Yusei holds his hair back. "the pups cant wait" Crow cries out starting to push, Bruno whines still throwing up. Jack kissed his cheek, Yusei rubs his back. Crow cries out pushing till the baby starts crowning, Bruno stops and pants. 

Jack whimpers, Yusei looks at him. Crow whines pushing the baby halfway "Jack you might have to deliver them" ,"I'm good" Bruno says then threw up again. Jack slowly nods and grabs the baby "okay", Yusei rubs his back. Crow leads forward and cries out pushing, Bruno pins his ears whining still throwing up. Jack wraps the baby up and set it away before getting ready to grab the next one, Yusei keeps rubbing his back. Crow pushes till the baby was halfway, Bruno pants finally stopping. Jack grabs the baby and wraps it up, Yusei looks at him "you okay babe". Crow screams pushing till the baby started crowing ,"I don't know, I'm cramping down here" Bruno puts his hand on his lower belly. 

Jack waits, "Babe I think your pregnant again" Yusei put his hand on top of his. Crow pushes the baby halfway, Bruno's eyes widen "really". Jack grabs the baby, Yusei slowly nods. Crow pants and felt tired, "ok" Bruno purrs nuzzling him. Jack wraps the baby up, Yusei purrs. Crow pushes again, Bruno purrs. Jack waits, Yusei smiles "come on let's go home". Crow pushes till the baby starts crowning, Bruno smiles and nods. Jack keeps waiting, Yusei stands up and waits for him. Crow screams pushing the baby halfway, Bruno slowly stands up. Jack grabs the baby and wraps it up, Yusei helps him up. Crow pants and slowly loses consciousness, "thanks babe" Bruno kisses his cheek. 

Jack looks and whimpers and nuzzles him "babe", "Your welcome" Yusei purrs. Crow didn't respond, Bruno purrs back. Jack whimpers and calls Bruno, Yusei smiles. Crow lays there, "hello" Bruno answers. Jack whimper "Bruno Crow passed out", Yusei tilts his head. Crow's heart and breathing stop and goes pale, "Crow passed out after birth" Bruno says "what room are you guys in". Jack whimpers "201", Yusei hears it and runs out of there. Crow's situation keeps going down hill fast, Bruno runs after Yusei. Jack whimpers "Crow please don't leave", Yusei runs into the room and runs to Crow using his powers to heal him. Crow gasped taking in air and opens his eyes, Bruno finally arrives in the room out of breath "your fast". 

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