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Crow was walking down the hall and one of the workers grabs his wrist, Jack was walking to Crow works place. Crow talks to the worker, Jack walks inside. Crow gasped when the worker pins him to the wall, Jack looks around for him. Crow yells at the worker, Jack heard him and runs over to him. Crow gasped when the worker kissed him, Jack growls and pulls the person off. the person had Crow's tongue in his mouth smirking before Crow was pulled away, Crow covers his mouth whining. Jack growls holding him, "he seemed to love it" the person wipes drool off his chin. Crow whines as drool was on his chin, Jack growls more "stay away from him" "aww mad that he'll like kissing me than you, I think I felt him getting hard from him kissing me" the person smirks. 

Crow whimpers pinning his ears, Jack growls "don't make me". "check to see if he's hard" the person pouts, Crow whines. Jack growls "no", "but he is" the person pouts palming Crow. Crow whines hiding his crotch, Jack quickly grabs his hand with his eyes narrowed. The person pouts, Crow whines. Jack growls "leave", the person left. Crow watches the person, Jack growls. Crow hugs him "can we go home, I'm tired", Jack hugs him back and nods "yeah we can". Crow smiles and grabs his hand and walks home, Jack follows him. Crow walks in the den and to their room and strips his clothes and fell on the bed, Jack lays down next to him. Crow snuggles to him and kisses him "love you babe", Jack holds him and kissed him back "love you too. Crow purrs and starts dozing off, Jack yawns. Crow purrs in his sleep, Jack falls asleep. 

*Next Morning*

Crow yawns waking up, Jack was already up and making breakfast. Crow looks around "Jack", Jack hums as he sets the food on plates. Crow whines "where is he", Jack pours the coffee. Crow whines and looks under the bed "babe", Jack put the coffee and food on the tray before picking it up and taking it upstairs. Crow mews whining and his ears twitched, Jack open the door and walks into the bedroom "babe I made breakfast" "and I smell a handsome King too" Crow purrs smirking. Jack blushes and set the food down before smirking walking over to him "hmm yep, a king who want to bang into his queen hard right now cause of the outfit he is wearing", Crow blushed smirking "what form my King".

Jack smirks "cat form so I can see my wolf form pounding into you", Crow blushes darker and goes to his cat form and waves his hindquarters at him. Jack smirks going into his wolf form and pounds into his womb the very hard, Crow screams arching. Jack groans and slams harder and faster, Crow screams arching and starts drooling. Jack keeps pounding into him seeing the tip of his member through his stomach, Crow blushes and screams his name. Jack groans "I'm close babe" "same" Crow moans still drooling, Jack groans and comes inside him. Crow cries out and comes everywhere, Jack moans still coming. Crow moans arching and reaches up wanting a kiss, Jack kissed him still coming.

Crow moans and licks his lip, Jack opens his mouth whining as he keeps coming. Crow moans louder and explores his mouth, Jack moans and finally stops after 10 minutes and pulls out. Crow moans and pants heavily, Jack pants and pulls away before seeing how big his stomach was "oh oops sorry" "its ok babe, I'm yours" Crow smiles nuzzling him. Jack purrs nuzzling him back before nuzzling his stomach "let's go and take a shower, Crow nods and tries sitting up. Jack helps him sit up before picking him up,  Crow smiles. Jack walks to the bathroom before changing forms and set him down before turning the tub on, Crow purrs going to his human form.

Jack takes off his clothes before helping Crow while they wait for the water, Crow smiles "thanks babe" "Your welcome" Jack picks him up and gets into the tub before setting him in and rubs his belly. Crow purrs loudly and sways his tail, Jack smiles "you know I love you right" "yep, you know I love you too right" Crow smiles. "Yep, do you know what today is" Jack kissed his neck, "no what today is it" Crow moans teasing. Jack sighs putting his ears down "never mind" he gets out of the tub and dries off before getting dress and walking back to the bedroom, Crow whines and thought Jack would see he was teasing and tries to get up "babe" he grabs the towel and dries off and walks to their room and tripped bumping into the table and tries grabbing the box before it hits the floor. 

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