Regaining Eye Sight

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Yusei groans and slowly opens his eyes, there was a female black wolf curled around four little pups asleep but starts shaking having a bad dream. Yusei rubs his head and looks around before jumping off the bed confused and scare, the wolf wakes up at the movement "bro". Yusei backs up to the wall really scared and confused since his brain was confused, "Yusei" Yusa goes to her human form and yawns moving her ears and licks the pups clean. Yusei was still confused and scared "w-who are y-you and w-where a-am I?" "Yuesi how do you not recognize your sister I'm Yusa and your at home, Bruno brought us home after I birth our pups" Yusa whimpers, Bruno walks in "Babe your awake".

Yusei jumps again and goes to a corner shaking cause his brain was confused, They could tell from looking at his eyes. Yusa slowly goes to him trying not to scare him more and hugs him "should we call Crow" "we might need to" Bruno pins his ears, Yusei tenses up and closes his eyes as his memories slowly cleared up and opens his eyes and slowly hugs her back. Yusa gently kissed him just incase, Bruno smiles. Yusei kissed her back, Yusa kissed him deeper with tears in her eyes because she missed her brother. Yusei moans blushing and pulls away wiping her tears away "shhh it's okay", Yusa smiles "everyone missed you while you were out". Bruno nods, Yusei smiles "I know and its my fault, I should of had know my energy level was low" "your stubborn I'll give you that, and the pups missed you" Yusa slowly gets up and goes over to the bed curling around their newborn pups.

"and Crow got a job" Bruno smiles, Yusei pushes himself up and goes over to Bruno "really". Bruno nods "he rolled the cribs in while you were still out""bro come see the pups" Yusa whines, Yusei chuckles and nods "I'm coming Yusa". Bruno chuckles, "what's so funny" Yusa pouts. Yusei chuckles and walks over to her "nothing sis", Yusa pouts still and licks the pups head. Yusei nuzzles her and looks at the pups "they are beautiful" "wish I could see them" Yusa pins her ears, "Hey maybe there is" Yusei kissed her forehead. Yusa's eyes widen "really how" her tail wags, Yusei looks at her "there might be a vampire who can give you eye sight back" "and whos that" Yusa cocked her head. 

"I don't know his name but might be able to help" Yusei sits down next to her, "I've been wanting to see ever since I was three" Yusa smiles happy. "When do you want to go and visit him" Yusei nuzzles her, "maybe now" Yusa was a little nervous. "Okay, Bruno want to come with us so your not left alone" Yusei holds her, Yusa purrs. "sure whos going to watch the pups" Bruno nods, "Stardust" Yusei smiles. Bruno nods and calls Stardust, Stardust picks up "Stardust speaking" "its Bruno mind watching the pups while we take Yusa to see someone about getting her eyesight back" Bruno asked. "Sure I don't mind at all since my are all grown up" Stardust answered, "damn I remember when they were small, where did time go on them" Bruno chuckles. 

"Yeah I wish Archfiend wanted more kids" Stardust chuckles, Archfiend was groaning then runs to the bathroom hurling his lunch. Stardust heard him "I gotta go but I'll come over and watch them bye Bruno" he hangs up and runs to the bathroom, "bye Star" Bruno hangs up "sounds like Archfiend's sick but Stardust is coming to watch the pups" Bruno smiles. Archfiend looks at the test and his eyes widen in fear and opened the window flying out, "Okay so should we start heading out" Yusei stands up. Stardust hears him leave and quickly flies out after him, Yusa and Bruno nods. Archfiend tries flying faster but then got caught in a shocking net that shocked him and he fell to the ground hard, Yusei smiles and grabs his sister hand before walking to Bruno "then let's go". 

Stardust roars loudly and flies to him, Yusa follows and Bruno nods. Archfiend's wings touched the net and he screams in pain, Yusei smiles and holds Bruno hand before starting to walk. Stardust lands next to the net "babe you okay" he asked worry, Bruno smiles holding his back. Archfiend nods before seeing a tranquilizer dart and pushes Stardust away getting hit with the dart instead, Yusei lays his head on his shoulder walking next to him "Bruno". Stardust roars and throws a cosmic flare at the direction that the dart came from, "yes babe" Bruno looks at him. The person burned to a crisp, Archfiend collapsed panting heavily as his body felt sensitive "well the dart was not a sleeping drug". 

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