Playing Heals

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'bro we've tried healing you, you've tried that herbal drink and to get you to rest, you wont take it' Yusa said, Yusei whines. 'please let Yami help' Yusa whimpers, 'But he is scary' Yusei whines. 'He just is really scary' Yusei shakes, 'then how can we make you feel better' Yusa asked. 'I don't know" Yusei whimpers, 'maybe try closing your eyes and think of something happy' Yusa ask. Yusei shakes his head whimpering, 'Yusei Marco Fudo your ass is going to be laying in bed resting' Yusa told him and picks him up and lays him in bed. Yusei flinches and shakes more whimpering getting up and jumping off the bed whines in pain running out of there scared, 'bro wait I'm sorry I just want to help' Yusa whimpers.

"Yusa you should stop talking before you make things worst" Jaden told her as he ran with Bruno to get Yusei, Yusa collapse to her knees crying at how Jaden said that "I just want Yus to feel better". Yusei keeps running whimpering, Jesse goes over to her "I know, but we have to be gentle with Yusei. He gets scared of everything right now". Bruno and Jaden keeps running after him, Yusa runs out of the room and locks herself in a different room crying as she just wanted to help, she didn't mean to hurt him, she feel like she's always hurting someone and opens the window and runs away. Yusei keeps running even though he is pain, Jesse sighs and goes after her.

Bruno gently grabs his waist, Yusa shift into her wolf form and runs faster not knowing she ran out into the middle of the freeway and froze when she heard a loud 18-wheeler truck horn. Yusei flinches and out of instincts bits his arms before running again, Jesse follows her and pushes her out of the way taking the hit. Bruno holds him and whisper sweet things into his into his ear, Yusa yelped at the action and then looks back to Jesse and her eyes whined "JESSE!!, no no no no please god no" she runs to him. Yusei whines and tries to get away, Jesse get hit and crashes down on the road hard. Bruno faces Yusei towards himself and kisses his cheek, Yusa runs to him "Jesse sweetie answer me please". 

Yusei looks at him scared and afraid, Jesse groans and slowly opens his eyes "y-you shouldn't run a-away aunt". Bruno held him close "your safe now", Yusa pins her ears "I'm sorry, please forgive me". Yusei whimpers and whines, Jesse nuzzles her softly "I do but if you want to help my mom out then we need to get Jack and Crow since they grew up with him". Bruno takes him home and rubs his belly, Yusa nods "will you be ok". Yusei keeps whimpering and whining scared, Jesse nods "yeah, I'll head back to the den. You bring Crow and Jack to the den". "I'll ask Yami to leave" Bruno said to him, Yusa nods ok and she walks to Crow's den. Yusei shakes his head shaking, Jesse slowly stands up and hisses. 

"you want Yami to leave and you'll feel a little better" Bruno ask, 'you sure you don't need a hospital Jesse' Yusa ask linking with him. Yusei whines shaking his head, Jesse nods slowly walking "yeah". "you don't want Yami to leave" Bruno was getting confused, Yusa wraps her arms around Jesse and teleports to the hospital. Yusei nods, Jesse pouts. "ok, he can stay" Bruno walks in the den, Crow was at the desk then he sees Jesse's condition he runs over to them "what happen" he asked them. Yusei shakes in pain, Jesse looks at him "just got hit by a truck but nothing serious. But we have a bigger problem, its about Yusei". Bruno lightly lays him in bed, "what's wrong with him is he ok" Crow was getting worried about Yusei. 

Yusei whines, " um how to put this....scared of everyone. He got into a fight and got attack badly. He won't let anyone near him. He barely let me, Yusa and Bruno near him. He won't go near anyone. He even bit Jaden and Bruno. If he doesn't rest and get heal then he will die" Jesse pins his ears back. "babe if you don't rest you'll only get worst" Bruno whines, "should I drug him to let him sleep or should me and Jack talk to him" Crow asked. Yusei whines shaking his head, "We thought you and Jack could talk to him or something to get him to rest" Jesse said. "why don't you want to rest" Bruno starts to have tears in his eyes, "me and Jack will talk to him if that doesn't work I drug him to make him rest" Crow goes to the supply room "how bad is he not wanting to rest". 

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