Secret Puppy Love

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More kitts came and suckled on Lyn, Yusei smirks and does it again. Jack smiles, Bruno moans. Lyn's kitts suckled more, Crow looked at Lyn more confused "someone's having a secret love life" he whispered. Yusei does it again, Jack nods. Bruno moans louder, Lyn picks put one of the sleeping kitts and walked them home. Crow gives Jack a look saying we need to investigate, Yusei pins him down. Jack nods, Bruno blushes madly. Crow sneaks watching, Lyn watches her surroundings getting close to her and her mates den. Yusei kissed him, Jack follows him. Bruno kisses back, Lyn looks around her tail swishes. Crow hid to stay out of sight, Yusei nibbles his lip. Jack crouch down, Bruno teases him by denying him. 

"you think she saw us" Crow whispered, Lyn walks in a den "hey". Yusei pouts, "No" Jack told him, her mate looks at her "hey". Bruno chuckled and licked his nose, "good" Crow stepped forward and steps on a twig and it broke. Lyn's ears twitched and she gently pushes her kitts to their father walking out of the den growling "come out dammit" yelling, Yusei keeps pouting. Jack pulls Crow back, Bruno kiss him. Crow stays under Jack, "I said come out, I'll fight for my position of Alpha" Lyn yells. Yusei kissed him back, Jack stays low. Bruno lets him dominate again, Lyn goes to her human form grabbing her knife from her back pocket and throws it straight towards the noise. 

Crow pushes Jack out of the way, Yusei licks his lip. Jack grabs Crow moving him out of the way, Bruno opens his mouth. "she's not kidding about protecting her position" Crow was shocked, "wanna reconsider" Lyn growls. Yusei sticks his tongue into his mouth, "Yea". Bruno moans, "now what" Crow looked at him. "damn rouges this is the 10th time in two days" Lyn growls, Yusei explores his mouth. "We should leave", Bruno moans louder. Crow nods, Lyn went to get her knife. Yusei pulls away, Jack gently grabs him and walks away. Bruno pants blushing, Crow was still shocked. Lyn got her knife going back to her den and growls when seeing a group of rouges in front of her den and attacks the rouges, Yusei smirks. 

Jack walks away, Night walks out. Bruno blushes seeing that he was hard, Crow follows. Lyn fights them off the last one she fought scratched her eye and she screams, Haou watched Night. Yusei smirks, Jack keeps walking. Night wags his tail and runs around, Bruno whines. Crow keeps following, Lyn walks in the den after defeating the last rouge. Haou smiles, Yusei chuckles. Jack keeps walking, Fire looks up at Lyn. Night looks around, "not funny" Bruno pouts. Crow starts slowing down yawing, Lyn snuggles to Fire as the kitts snuggle to her. Their was a fox call, "Yeah it is" Yusei chuckles. Jack slows down, Fire nuzzles her. Night ears went up and follows it, Bruno whines more. 

Crow starts to doze off, Lyn nuzzles back her hair moves showing her scared eye. The fox call was a cry for help, Yusei licks his member. Jack picks him up, Fire looks and licks her scared. Night runs to it and looks at fox, Bruno gasp moaning. Crow snuggles against him, Lyn whimpers it hurt a little. Their was a beautiful white fox in a trap, Yusei keeps licking. Jack smiles, Fire growls a little. Night eyes widened, Bruno moans louder. Crow sleeps, "babe what's wrong" Lyn looks at him. The fox whines, Yusei licks. Jack nuzzles him, "I hate to see you get hurt" Fire whines. Night runs to the trap and bites the trap, Bruno moans bucking. Crow smiles in his sleep "love you my king", "I know I just want rouges to stop trying to come and destroy my family" Lyn kisses Fire. 

The kitts went to bed, the fox limps but licks Nights cheek as a thank you. Yusei keeps licking, "I love you my queen" Jack smiles. "I know" Fire kissed back, Night blushes wagging his tail. Bruno moans more, Crow purrs rubbing his belly. Lyn kisses him deeper, "names Crystal, but I'm a boy" Crystal nuzzles Night. Yusei deep throats him, Jack nuzzles him. Fire moans, "I'm Night" Night purrs wagging his tail. Bruno moans louder, Crow nuzzles back. Lyn bites his lip, Crystal smiles but whimpers at his paw. Yusei starts to suck, Jack purrs. Fire open his mouth, Night looks at his paw and licks it. Bruno moans bucking more, Crow purrs. Lyn stick her tongue in his mouth licking every part, Crystal blushes. 

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