Wedding Day

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Crow was pacing back and forth nervous, Jaden watched and sighed wondering if the grooms are doing better or his aunt Yusei. Yusei was pacing faster panicking, Stardust watching. "mom calmed down" Jaden smiled, Crow nods getting the dress on. Bruno was on the floor after fainting, "Yusei chilled and get ready" Stardust smiles. Yusei nods taking a deep breath, Jack passed out on the floor. Vizor gets a bucked of water and dump in on him, Jaden did his hair the best he could. Crow smiled and had a few stray tears, Archfiend dumped ice cold water on Jack. Bruno shot up "I'm wake", Stardust fixes his hair. Yusei was taking a deep breath, Jack shots up "I'm wake". 

Vizor sighs "brother you need to get ready", Jaden hugs his mother. Crow hugs back smiling brightly, "get ready your marrying soon" Archfiend threw him his clothes. Bruno nods getting ready, Stardust smiles. Yusei smiles back, Jack caught them and starts to get ready. Vizor fixes his tie, Jaden puts on a bright red dress. Crow helps him with being pregnant, Archfiend fixes his tie. Bruno walks out of the room to the alter, Stardust fixes the dress on Yusei smiling. Yusei looks in the mirror "thanks Stardust", Jack walks out to the alter. Vizor stands next to his brother, "thanks Jaden" Crow smiles. "your welcome mom" Jaden smiles, Archfiend stood next to Jack. 

"I feel fat in this Stardust" Yusei looks at him, "Your not fat Yusei" Stardust smiles. Jack took a deep breath, Vizor looks around. "I feel big in this" Crow giggles, "try being me" Jaden giggles. Bruno was fidgeting with his thumbs, Archfiend was smiling. "You sure" Yusei whines, Stardust nods "I'm sure". Vizor looks at him "calm down bro", Jack was fidgeting with his bow. The music starts, Crow walks out and pulls the vail over his face. Jaden follows, Bruno nods wagging his tail. Archfiend slapped his hand away from it "calm down you'll be fine, unless you die of a nose bleed", Yusei walks out after he heard the music with a vail over his face. Stardust follows him, Vizor looks and smiles. 

Jack quickly stops and looks at him and wags his tail, Mr. Fudo was outside the doors waiting for the boys. Crow smiled seeing Mr. Fudo, Jaden was out of breath. Bruno smiles, Archfiend smiles "you'll be happy when the honeymoon comes" nudging him in the rib. Yusei looks and smiles "dad you came" he runs to him and hugs him, Stardust smiles. Vizor smiles "your going to have fun on your honeymoon aren't you" gentle elbowing him, Jack glares at him "shh it", "I would never miss this" Mr. Fudo hugs back. Crow and Jaden smiles, Bruno blushed "same to you and Jess when you three get married". Archfiend smirks, Yusei had some tears falling from happiness "where mom". 

Stardust waves at Archfiend, Vizor smirks "we will, we'll have fun till he can't walk". "sitting in the crowed" Mr. Fudo wipes his tears, Archfiend waves back blushing. Bruno laughs, "Thanks for being here dad" Yusei looks up at him. Stardust winked at him, Jack laughed. "your always welcome, lets get you two wedded" Mr. Fudo held his arms for both to grab, Crow wraps his arm around his. Archfiend blushes and mouthed 'you me banging later', Bruno smiled watching the doors. Yusei does the same thing, Stardust blushes and nods. Jack was still laughing, Ursa walks tossing flower petals. Mr. Fudo walks with both boys down the aisles, Bruno blushes seeing Yusei. 

Jesse was waiting for his cue, Jack blushes seeing his queen.  Jaden follows them, Mr. Fudo stops at the alter. Crow walks to Jack smiling, Jaden stood behind Crow winking and blew kisses at Vizor and Jesse. Stardust follows, Yusei walks up to Bruno. Vizor and Jesse blushes and mouth 'we bang you up after', Jaden blushes nodding. Crow looks at Jack, the priest starts "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together these two men in holy Matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church: which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee, and is commended of Saint Paul to be honorable among all men: and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace". 

Yusei looks at Bruno, Nobody spoke up. "Bruno and Jack Atlas Wilt thou have this man to thy wedded Husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?""I do" Bruno smiles, "I do" Jack looks straight into Crow eyes. "Crow Hogan and Yusei Fudo Wilt thou have this Man to thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?""I do" Crow looks at him smiling, "I do" Yusei smiles back.

"Bruno, Jack take your lovers hands and repeat after me, I Bruno, Jack take thee Crow, Yusei to my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part", Bruno repeats. Jack repeats it to Crow, "Yusei, Crow repeat after me, I Yusei, Crow take thee Bruno, Jack to my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part". Crow repeats to Jack, Yusei repeats to Bruno. "now present the rings", Jesse goes up to them holding the rings. 

"Jack, Bruno as you take the rings and repeat after me, You are the love of my life, And you are my very best friend, I give you this ring to wear, As a symbol of my abiding love, My eternal faith, and my undying devotion. It is an outward reminder of our inner unity", Bruno repeats slipping the ring on his finger. Jack repeats slipping the ring onto his finger, "Crow, Yusei as you take the rings repeat after me, You are the love of my life, And you are my very best friend, I give you this ring to wear, As a symbol of my abiding love, My eternal faith, and my undying devotion. It is an outward reminder of our inner unity". Crow repeats slipping the ring on his finger, Yusei repeats slipping the ring on his finger. 

"I now pronounce you Husband and Husband, you may now kiss the Husband", Jaden looks at his parents and whispered "I now pronounce King and Queen you may now kiss your Queen". Bruno dipped Yusei and kissed him, Jack smiled and dipped Crow and kissed him. Yusei kissed him back, Crow happily kissed back. Bruno part from Yusei and picked him up bridal style walking down the aisle, Jack pulls away and picks him up following. Bruno Yusei hangs onto him, Bruno walks out and sat Yusei on his runner. Crow hangs onto Jack, Yusei smiles and looks at him. Jack walks out and sat his down on his runner, Bruno smiled and hands him a helmet and gets on putting his on starting the runner.

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