Yusa, Jaden and Haou's Birth

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Yusa wake up and walks to the bathroom and turns the shower on and strips her clothes and gets in, Yusei was still asleep snuggling against Bruno. Yusa washes her body and hair and saw a shadow walk past and she whimpers, Bruno purrs holding him close. Yusei ears twitched and slowly woke up staying near Bruno, Yusa looks then got knocked out by a rag on her face. Yusei sense something wrong and shakes Bruno "babe wake up", Bruno wake up "yes babe". The guy carried Yusa out, Yusei sits up "something is wrong". Bruno sniffs the air and growls "hunter", Yusa whimpered and she whines when she had nothing but a bathrobe on and the truck was already halfway down the road with her. 

Yusei looks at him "Yusa", "I don't smell her sent in the den, someone took her" Bruno gets out of bed. The hunter took Yusa's bathrobe and pushed her in a white room, Yusa goes to the corner and wraps her wings around herself because she had no clothes on. Yusei gets out of bed and sniff her scent "I got her scent", Bruno nods and goes to his large wolf form. Two hunters grabs her and drags her out and forces her on a table and straps her down and does a ultrasound on her belly to check out the pups to see how far she was and they smirked darkly, Yusa whines pinning her ears and tears fall. Yusei climbs on and hangs on "come on babe we need to hurry", Bruno takes off running.

The hunters force Yusa in and room with other pregnant supernaturals, Yusa pins her ears and looks at all the pregnant supernaturals "hello". Yusei hangs on 'hold on Yusa, me and Bruno are on our way', Yusa saw two brunettes sitting in the corner holding each other and looks at their left hand and saw rings "Jaden, Haou". The twins looked at her "auntie Yusa" they cried hugging her, Yusa pets their heads then looks at the doors leading to the exit and charges at it with her full vampire speed. Yusei hangs on, Bruno stops and looks around as Yusa's sent ends. The twins whines when the pups kicks hard, Yusa rubs their bellies then heard the doors open. Five hunters walked to Yusa and the twins, Yusei ears twitch heares doors open "that way Bruno". 

Bruno follows the sound, Yusa holds the twins close and growls lashing out then brutally attacking the hunters and she roars out as she lost control of her self again. The twins whines holding each other again, Yusei hangs on tighter. Bruno runs in and looks around, Yusa attacks each and every hunter that was there. Yusei points to where he hears the attack, Bruno follows the sound. Yusa roars deadly, Yusei hangs on tighter. Bruno gets to Yusa as he looks at her, Yusa roars as she protected all the pregnant supernaturals. Yusei gets off Bruno and looks at his sister, Yusa paces back and forth and sees. Yusei and gets in a defensive positionBruno watches, Yusei runs over to her "sister". 

Yusa looks at him and tackles him growling and sniffs his neck, "don't move let her sniff you and remember your sent she'll calm down" Bruno says. Yusei nods and stays still, Yusa sniffs Yusei lower. Yusei blushes, Yusa sniffs his crotch. Yusei blushes madly, Bruno tries to contain his laughter. Yusa palms him, Yusei moans. Yusa palms him harder, Yusei moans louder. Yusa pulls away and snuggles to him, Yusei picks her up and walks to Bruno "Jaden, Haou let's go". The twins follows, Yusa whines as the pups kicked harder. Yusei rubs her belly before stopping next to his mate "let's get out of here", Yusa purrs but whines louder and felt wetness. The twins felt the same wetness, Yusei looks "crap Bruno, we need help".

"lets go to Crow" Bruno says going to his large wolf form, Yusa and the twins whines louder. Yusei gets Yusa on Bruno back before changing into his full form and picks the twins up, Bruno starts walking. Yusa holds onthe twins holds on, Yusei flies next to him. Bruno sees the hospital, Yusa and the twins cries out in pain. Yusei sees it, Bruno walks into the hospital. Yusa and the twins whines as they started pushing, Yusei follows him. Bruno walks to the room and lays her on a bed, Crow walks in "hey guys". Yusei looks at him "Crow we need help", Crow looks and got to work "you guys know how to deliver babies" he asked them. Bruno nods going to Haou, Yusei nods going over to Jaden. 

Yusa start pushing, Crow watches for the pups. The twins start pushing, Bruno watches. Yusei watches, Yusa and the twins pushes till the baby starts crowning, Crow and Bruno still watches. Yusei keeps watching, Yusa and the twins pushes till the baby is halfway. Crow and Bruno pulls the baby out wrapping the baby handing it to the nurse, Yusei pulls the baby out and wraps the baby handing it to the nurse. Yusa and the twins pushes till the babies starts crowning, Crow and Bruno waits. Yusei waits, Yusa and the twins pushes till the babies are halfway out. Crow and Bruno pulls the baby out wrapping the baby handing it to the nurse, Yusei grabs the baby out.

Yusa and the twins pushes till the babies starts crowning, Crow and Bruno waits. Yusei waits, Yusa and the twins pushes till the babies are halfway out. Crow and Bruno pulls the baby out wrapping the baby handing it to the nurse, Yusei does the same thing as Bruno and Crow. Twins pushes till the babies starts crowning, Bruno waitsYusa pants tired. Crow looks at her worried, Yusei waits. The twins pushes till the babies are halfway out, Bruno pulls the baby out wrapping the baby handing it to the nurse. Yusa screams pushing, Crow waits. Yusei pulls the baby out, the twins pants. Yusa blacks out, Crow whines "guys Yusa's out". Yusei looks over "do a C section on her", Crow nods and nods gives her the numbing meds and grabs the scalpel and brings the blade to her belly and his hands start shaking bad, scared that he'll mess up and hurt Yusei's sister and mate. 

Yusei put his hand on Crow shoulder "Crow relax I trust you. Your one of the best doctor here", Crow nods and makes the cut and searches for the baby. Yusa whimpers, Yusei nuzzles her. Yusa purrs loudly, Crow hands Yusei the last baby and sews her close. Bruno was give the twins their pups and then calls his sons and brother, the twins and Vizor picks up. Yusei smiles, "your husbands had the pups" Bruno told them. Yusa looks at Yusei and smiles "the one your holding bro looks like all three of us", the twins go to their wolf form and fed the pups. "Okay we'll be right down" said the twins and Vizor, Yusei smiles "yeah it does". "see you guys in a bit" Bruno says, Yusa looks for her other three and whines. 

Crow chuckles and goes to get the other pups, Yusei chuckles "babe come here". Bruno walks to him "yeah babe", Yusei shows him the pup that looks like all three of them. Yusa saw the pup start trying to open its eyes, Bruno watches smiling. Yusei looks and smiles, the pup had gray and cobalt blue eyes. "aww she got mine and your eyes" Bruno smiles, Yusa smiles with happy tears falling. Crow brought the other pups, Yusei smiles and leans against him "yeah she does". Crow laid the pups next to Yusa, Yusa licks their heads. Bruno lightly stroked the little girls head, Yusei nuzzles her. The pup purrs nuzzling him back, Yusa giggles and lets the pups suckle. Bruno smiles and wipes some tears, Yusei purrs softly.

the pup whines hungry, Yusei takes the pup back to Yusa and set it down next to it siblings. Yusa nudges the pup to sucklethe pup suckle, Bruno smiles at the pups. Yusei smiles watching, Yusa yawns. Bruno smiles "rest Yusa", Yusei kissed her forehead. Yusa purrs curling around the pups, Bruno goes to his wolf form and curls around her. Yusa purrs falling asleep, Bruno purrs falling asleep. Yusei smiles falling asleep. 

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