Vizor's Birth

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Jaden was feeding all his pups, Jesse was playing with the older pups. Vizor was taking a shower, Jaden licks the pups clean. Jesse was playing with the pups, Vizor whimpers. Jaden's ears twitch, Vizor pants. Jaden looks around for Vizor "Vizor", Vizor whimper in response as he felt his water break. "babe ok in there" Jaden knocks on the bathroom door, "No!" Vizor whimpers. Jaden opens the door and walks in "babe what's up", Vizor looks at him in pain "its the pups" "Jesse help me with Vizor" Jaden yells. Vizor pants heavily, Jesse runs in "what's wrong". "it time" Jaden says as he helped Vizor out of the shower, Jesse runs to get towels. Vizor whimpers, Jaden leads him to the bed room and lays him down and gets him ready. 

Vizor starts pushing and screams, Jaden watches for the baby. Vizor keeps pushing, Jaden watches still. Vizor pushes and screams, Jaden waits still. Vizor pushes, Jaden watches. Vizor pushes till the baby was halfway out, Jaden pulls the baby out and wraps it in a towel and lays it next the other. Vizor pants heavily before pushing, Jaden watches and waits. Vizor keep pushing, Jaden keeps watching. Vizor keeps pushing, Jaden keeps watching. Vizor pushes till the baby was halfway out, Jaden pulls the baby out and wraps it in a blanket and laid it next to the other and waited for the next baby. Vizor pants and shakes his head "I can't", Jaden picks Vizor up "Jesse get the pups we're going to my mom". 

Jesse nods and grabs the pups, Vizor pants heavily. Jaden teleports them to the hospital, Crow was walking out and saw Jesse, Vizor and Jaden. Jesse was holding the pups, Vizor whimpers. Crow looks at Vizor "follow me" he walks to a room, Jaden nods following. Vizor whimper, Jesse follows. Jaden laid him on the bed, Crow gives him the numbing meds and gets the scalpel and makes the cut and looks for the baby. Vizor whines, Crow gets the last baby out and lays it next to him and sew the wound closed. Vizor pants, Jaden smiles and nudges Jesse to set to pups next to him. Jesse sets them down next to Vizor, Vizor changes forms and nudges them to suck. The pups lached on, Jaden smiles. 

Vizor smiles, Jesse smiles watching. Jaden goes to his wolf form and curls around him, Vizor yawns. Jesse goes into his wolf form and curls around all of them, "sleep babe" Jaden nuzzles him. Vizor nods and slowly falls asleep, Jaden falls asleep. Vizor sleeps, Jesse sleeps. 

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